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The Dark One

As I appear in front of Raven's, I look over it quietly. Nothing has changed at all even after thousands of years. Master! I look over and grin seeing my little minion. He's had a growth spurt since I've last seen him. "It's good to see you again, kiddo." I pat the top of his head to keep up appearances.

What's the plan for next year? He asks me while holding up his report card. "Hmm... good work I think," I say then speak via our mental connection. We want to break the little brat. Instead of targeting him, we need to target someone he cares about. Or... I look over to the Rose's. Perhaps we target someone she cares about. His powers come from the twin bond after all. Hurt her in some way and it affects him too.

I watch as the girl, Alyssa, hugs her parents and beams happily. After all... there's more than one blonde Rose boy we can mess with.

My minion tilts his head and looks over to them curiously. It seems to click with him. Well... I guess they will be here now because they fear you... I wonder what they'd think if they knew you were here right not watching them.

I can't help but smirk darkly. Oh, how they'd be freaking out and trying to get away! But I have to be patient... right now he's too well protected. Breaking him to the point he's useless will be the most satisfying solution. He's already made a fool out of me once so I need to ruin him. A swift death is no longer what he deserves.

I then spot Silas watching the both of us. Seeing his knowing look tells me he knows exactly who I am. I'm already ticked off but seeing him act so smug like he can't even get hurt? Oh, he'll pay too for betraying me. The best way to get back at him is to ruin the Moonfall family. I'll have to do that myself.

However, I do notice that he hasn't told anybody about my minion. Perhaps he just doesn't care about what happens... well the way he raises his kids, a little struggle is always welcome and builds character. It's how I've raised both my minion and the Moonfall boy back at my base. It's also how I know who's stronger between the two boys I have.

Just keep an eye on the Rose brat. Don't do anything against them unless I say so. I say firmly and watch him. "Thank you for coming!" He says out loud with a grin. "Of course, child. I'll see you next year I guess." I watch him walk away and relax. Next year will be something special for sure... as I watch the man of the house on the Rose family, I can't help but smirk again.

Enjoy your time this summer... it will be your last. With that, I disappear in a flash of light. I will win you, old bat! Just watch me and weep as I prove you wrong!


Christian, the Old Prophet

I sigh as I watch everything come together. Why do they think this will change anything? "So it is said, so it shall be," I mutter to myself. They keep fighting and struggling even though I'm never wrong. They know I'm reliable yet they continue to plot and fight.

Going into a public area is risky but it shows just how arrogant they've become. What went wrong? Where did we take a wrong turn? It didn't have to turn out this way. Only when they turned on everyone did this vision come to me. The power went to their head... they were special when they were born because of who they were... what they created in their early life... everything just fell into place once they made the wrong decision.

There was nothing I could do. I used to be someone they'd listen to, someone they respected... I don't know what else to do for them. I gave them a warning... a warning I should have never given them. I was so angry with them... but the look of horror on their face when they realized what I meant... it changed everything for them. To fear a newborn baby... I couldn't even imagine it.

I sigh and focus in on the Rose family. The chosen child is awkward with them but he's trying. I sigh softly. "This next year will be hard on you... but not as hard as it will be on those three." Ariel doesn't feel like part of the family yet... but the other three Rose's? They're all affection and love... so if one falls, everything will go downhill for them.

"... I won't say anything to them." I decide almost instantly. Nothing will change... their fates are sealed. Something like this can't be changed. "I'm sorry, Fire Bird... you will need to overcome the past to continue in the future." I look over the adults.

Both struggled to survive in the past. Both went through their own version of hell. Overcoming it and finding each other again gave them strength. Now they need to face it to move forward.

I talk big though. I am unable to face my past. There's no way I can with the mistakes I've made. I close my eyes and sigh haunted by all the visions from the past, present, and future. I wish I was never born with these powers, this magic. I wish I was normal, a powerless firstborn twin like I should have been. Instead, I became special... the first one with magic abilities and strong ones at that. My twin... she was powerful too, maybe the most between the both of us. Yet I was the one praised the most.

Her jealousy made sense but I wish we could have gotten along more. I hope that the Rose twins will do better than the two of us. Alyssa is already jealous... but she feels guilty. Who knows if mine ever did?

I feel tears run down my cheeks. "... Oh Isabelle... where did we go wrong? Where are you, sis? I miss you... I'm so lost without you." Sorrow rushes through me. "Isabelle... please come back to me... don't leave me behind... I'm sorry, sis... I love you..."

I can't see a future where we go back to what we used to be. I can't see her at all. I've never been able to read my future though. Who knows how much longer I have? But my biggest wish... is to be with my twin sister again.

Raven's School of Magic: Year OneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang