Chapter 16: Aftermath and Potions

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After momma healed me, I was able to leave the nurse's office the day after. However, I'm still miserable and can barely focus in class. Not even Scar's silly hyper antics in potions can lift my spirits. I hate myself for staying silent and allowing Ariel to get this badly hurt. Nothing can change the past so all I can do is do better in the future. Momma told me what before needing to leave.

The news of the expulsion of Connor and his two goons had already spread through the school and they had grown wary of Ariel. He returned to class the day after I did and stuck to himself only opening up to Jason and momma. I can't blame either and while I do want to reach out and be his friend, I also feel that I don't deserve it. From what I heard, Connor was Ariel's roommate along with Danny and he also never said a word. Now all his looks of regret made so much sense!

I look over at him now as I have potions with him, but he just looks so numb to it. I'm sure he got an earful from headmaster Magnolia, especially after learning Ariel wasn't even sleeping in his room, but boy's common living area. All the boys did since no one stood up for Ariel or told a professor what was going on.

"Rose! Pay attention!" I jump hearing grumpy old Professor Kelp and look up as he looks down at me with light green eyes. His hair is always wild and messy and whitish-gray. "This is the last time I'm telling you before I kick you out for the day!" I wince as I know he's strict. He's only giving any of us extra chances today because of the departure of those three boys and me an extra one because of my weird mental injury.

"I apologize, Professor Kelp." I stammer and dip my head. He only clicks his tone and moves on with the lesson. Today we're learning how to blend a weak healing potion. If it works, nothing will happen, but if we mess up at any point, our hair will turn green. Professor Kelp charmed this test that way to see who could follow 'simple instructions' as he said.

I look over to poor Eddy whose hair which is normally an orange color is already bright green from being too fast and cocky. I shudder at the idea of my hair turning that color and focus on the assignment. Even if my arm still aches a little, I don't want to get behind! Scar is nice enough to help me at least and my sudden determination gets a big grin from her. She's such a good friend and while she can be crazy at times, she means well.

I start to mix my potion with Scar watching over me. "A little less... ok a touch more... there! Now add a small drop of unicorn tears..." learning about magic creatures is fun too but knowing we use the tears of one for potions is weird to me. At least it isn't something from a dragon! They are an endangered species after all. Most of them are in hiding now taking on a human form to fit in. I wonder if I'll never get to meet one... or maybe I already have! Now that would be so awesome!

I focus again on the potion and after adding some mermaid hair, I'm finished. I grimace at the idea of taking the potion. "It's not too bad! Go ahead and take it." Scar tells me her red eyes sparkling. I let out a sigh, but take some of my potion and brace myself. Others are watching me too, but no laughter can be heard and I check my hair. It's still golden blonde which makes me sigh in relief.

"Good work you two." I jump again as Professor Kelp comes over. Even if he's really old, he never makes a sound! It feels like a jump scare every time he comes up! "You may leave. You have the talent to be a good potion professor one day, Rouge." He tells Scar who grins mischievously. I think she would make a very funny professor if she ever decided to do that. "You follow instructions well when you pay attention, Rose." He adds to me. Any praise from this grumpy old man is always good so I take it and leave the classroom with Scar.

It's funny to know that Scar's name is literally just Red for both her first and last name. I can also tell from her slight accent that she's French too. I then remember back to that day in Raven's Square. That friend of daddy's... had a similar accent too. I believe his name was James. Other than his accent I remember those strange purple eyes. Maybe that's the only reason why I actually remember him too. Those eyes that seem to look into my soul... and know me too! So strange... I shake off that thought.

Scar and I walk to the mess hall just to hang out until Chris gets out of class. I pause and look over to a strange pair. One was Ariel in white and gold robes, but next to him was Brandon in his black and crimson ones. What are they doing together? I haven't seen anyone from both schools hanging out like that, well not in our grade anyway. Others are looking at them too from both schools. Well, Brandon was the one who found and brought him to the nurse's office that night. I look at his bandaged-up arm and feel an ache in mine.

"Huh! What a weird pair... well I guess we are going to have classes with them after this year, so it would be best to get along with them right?" Scar says thoughtfully and hums. I'm not sure if that's a good idea... but after what Connor did to Ariel, I can't say we light students are the good guys. Out of all of us, Brandon who was a dark arts student is the good guy. Scar and I sit down and I listen in trying not to be too obvious.

"Your father is a little hard on everyone, but I think he just wants what's best for everyone," Brandon says soothingly while Ariel rubs one of his eyes. Did Professor Moonfall change his tune after all? "I know... I just... I guess I hoped he'd be worried and nicer to me..." Ariel mumbles. Brandon smiles and pats his hand gently. "He does get worried about you. He's just a big figure in our school. He can't show any weakness."

I don't believe Brandon at all but I think what he says makes Ariel feel better. "Don't worry too much. He's happy that you're great at spell casting! I heard he's the one who signed you up for all your classes too." Ariel looks at Brandon in surprise. "R-really? I-I... always thought he was... disappointed in me because of my lack of magic."

Brandon shakes his head. "No no. I think he's always known you've had strong magic. He just didn't think you'd be unable to use a wand. It's very rare after all especially since neither of your parents has a magic hand." He tells him. Ariel looks down but nods. "Yeah... it is weird, but I enjoy it. My wand still feels important to me though! Akana... err Mr. Rose says it's normal and he feels the same way."

Brandon smiles and nods. "Yeah. I've heard that too. I read a book on it before too. Some witches and wizards actually hear a voice from their wand. That's uncommon of course, but more common than a magic hand." He leans back in his chair and watches Ariel. They seem like a strange pair of friends, but after Ariel only clinging to my godfather, I think it's a good first step. He is a student at the other school, but he doesn't seem too bad.

"Hey, girls!" Chris walks up to us making me focus on her instead of the two boys behind us. She's holding many books having had two history courses today. "Did you have fun in potions?" She smiles brightly. She enjoys learning the history of the magic world and while I also enjoy it too, I enjoy it more in my magic creatures course instead. Learning of wars and everything that the Dark One has done makes me sad and nervous.

"Yep! I made sure Ally's hair didn't turn green today!" Scar giggles making me pout. "Oh wow... that would be funny to see, but I'm glad you passed your test. When midterms come up, I hope that you can do it alone." Chris says making me groan. I'm not looking forward to midterms. I don't think anyone really is, but seeing Chris' eyes sparkle, maybe I'm wrong.

"Oh, she'll do fine! She's had a lot on her mind these past few days." Scar shrugs that off while I shudder a bit. Right... that pain I went through was the worst it's ever been. Does this mean my twin is close by? I honestly have no idea. I just know he's been going through some sort of torture. All these curses and cuts and now the bad burn? What else could it be? How cruel could someone be... the Dark One is torturing my twin!

I clench my fists in my lap while Chris and Scar talk happily about class. I need to find him... I need to get him out of the hands of the Dark One and make them pay! I feel determination run through my veins. I don't know how but I will bring my twin home!

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