Chapter 20: Did I Pass?

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Midterms were very stressful for everyone. It made me realize that I wasn't the only one who was a nervous wreck and in a way it made me feel so much better. But there was something that made me even more nervous... the wait to see if I passed or not.

On day one, I had my History exam. For many days and nights beforehand, Jason helped me through all the flashcards he made for me. There were plenty that I could never get right the first time, but he assured me I would be fine. Hands down, this was my hardest midterm exam.

We had four hours to complete the whole exam and the silence was killing me. My anxiety was already high, but this was just torture making it climb even higher. I didn't realize there would be so many questions for a class that only met once a week! I'd hate to see the normal history exam. There must be hundreds of questions on it!

One thing that made me feel better was that many of the questions were ones Jason asked me over and over. I knew many by heart so I circled those quickly. The downside was that some questions were fill-in-the-blanks. Those I struggled with the most and after going over the exam and second-guessing myself multiple times, I finally turned it in over three hours in. A few students were still taking the exam as I left and I could finally take a deep breath. One down...

The exam on day two was spell casting fundamentals. As I made my way to Professor Sable's class, I spotted Ally. She looked drained probably from all the studying. Actually, everyone did and that made me feel guilty. My exam schedule was simple compared to theirs as I was mostly just in spell casting with Akana teaching me. I was most confident with that, but it was also a huge part of my grade.

We had two hours this time and it wasn't nearly as many questions as history. As I read through the exam, I filled out what I remembered from the flash cards. That style really helped me out! I'd thank Jason later. After going over the test a few times and only changing one answer, I turned in my exam and left. It took me an hour and a half to complete it, but I wanted to take my time. I noticed Ally again as she seemed to drag herself over to a potion classroom. Wow, she had two exams in one day? Ouch... I felt my head hurting again just thinking about it. I had forgotten that my spell casting and magic creature exams happen on the same day.

I didn't have another exam until day four. It was my last exam day, but also my longest. It was my first spelling casting and I followed their instructions. Because I had three back-to-back, I had to cast spells from a basic to an advanced level. Learning these was very fun though.

First, I lifted the textbook and moved it around the room without hitting anyone. Lift was the first spell we learned after all and very basic. Based on Akana's proud smile, I passed that one.

Next, I had to unlock a locked door the trick being there were many different types of locks on it. Unlock was not a basic spell and it took me a couple of weeks to master it. Once I was able to unlock all the locks and go through the door, I was finished with it.

Lastly, I had to light a candle from far away. When learning of this spell, I was brought back to when Connor used that spell to cause me great pain. The trauma of it made me wary, but I learned it wasn't the burn spell at all. Light up took me a good while to master especially doing it at a distance. It took me most of my allotted time, but I did successfully light the candle.

Akana clapped for me and told me I was free to go. I then hurried to magic creatures for my last exam. After going back to back, I felt very drained. I was able to answer all the questions, but I was unsure if some were correct. I always got the Owlrow and snarkowl mixed up together. They looked so similar! They're only different in color and size... still, I turned in my exam and stumbled back to my dorm room. Finally, it was over... now I had to wait to see if I passed!

So here I am now in the present. Along with the other first years from both schools, I'm waiting for them to post the midterm results. My hands tremble but I have my good friend Brandon next to me. I'm sure he passed all his exams easily... finally, something happens.

A flash of light blinds us for a brief moment then fades away. I hear someone gasp out. "There they are! Our test results! On the board!" With that the room is chaotic. I'm pushed around but Brandon grabs me and keeps me close. "T-thanks." I gasp out and soon we make it to the front.

I look for my name in each exam and let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness! I have straight A's on my spell casting exams and C's in the rest. History is the lowest at a C- but honestly, it could be much worse. I step away and feel all the tension in me break away.

"Great work, kiddo." I blink and look up seeing Jason. He's looking straight at me smiling warmly. "I'm proud of you." I smile and walk over. I hug him which must surprise him based on the look on his face. "Thank you so much... I would have failed without you." Jason pauses before patting the top of my head. "You did well. I'm proud of you."

While I am grateful for his kind words, I wish Father would say them to me. I don't see him though and I have a feeling he and Simon are already gone. "Thank you, Jason." I smile up at him. Maybe he notices something because he smiles sadly. He ruffles my hair and I let him go. "I'll see you after Christmas break, ok? Be good now... who am I kidding? You're always good. Too good for your own good." He smiles again before walking away.

I watch him go. Why did he look like he was seeing someone else while saying those words? Brandon soon joins me. "Well, I'm glad you passed." He smiles at me. "Why don't we get something to eat? Most everyone will be leaving soon." He adds and offers me a hand. I giggle and take it gently. "Sounds good," I say and we walk off towards the mess hall. I'm glad I have a friend to share this time with.

It isn't until I'm in the mess hall that I remember something important. It's December 20th... today I'm thirteen. Maybe Father forgot... I don't bring this up though especially to Brandon. He doesn't need to know all my problems and I don't want to sound like a whiny kid! As I sit down and a plate of pancakes appears in front of me, I relax while smiling at Brandon. Even if Father didn't congratulate me himself, I think it's been a decent birthday... probably the best I've ever had.



Midterm week really drained me and I found myself sleeping for almost a whole day because of it. Poor Chris was the same way, but Scar was just as hyper as she normally was.

Seeing my grades on the board makes me feel so happy. I have a mix of A's and B's so I know momma and daddy will be proud of me! Chris ended up with straight A's but that's no surprise at all! Scar ended with A's in all her potion classes and a single B and C in her others but she looks thrilled so I'm happy for her too.

"Hey, kiddo! Ready to go?" I hear Jason say and look up. He's smiling at me but also looks like he's miles away. I guess he's taking me home for the break. "Yes! I can't wait to tell momma and daddy!" I giggle and take his hand. "Bye girls!"

They wave goodbye to me and Jason takes me away. He still looks deep in thought. "What's wrong, godfather?" I ask my curiosity finally getting to me. He blinks and looks down at me. "... It's nothing. I just got reminded of your mother." At my confused expression, he continues. "He's always too kind for his own good. Someone just reminded me of him is all." He shrugs and doesn't explain further.

Well, momma is very nice... I know it's good to be nice, but sometimes you shouldn't be. I think back. Is there anyone in my grade like that? I'm not completely sure... maybe it was Chris? But he rarely interacts with her! Hmm...

I'm brought out of my thoughts when Jason gets to the outside gates. "Ready?" I hold onto him and nod. As he does the travel spell, out of the corner of my eye, I see a shadow. It seems out of place, especially in the cool daylight. Before I can get a better look, we start to travel. As I think about it more, I shake my head. It's just a trick of the eye. Nothing at all to worry about.

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