Chapter 24: Defensive Duel

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After my breakdown, Danny has been keeping a close eye on me. He seems open now and even talks to me more often. It's still only in our room, but it's progress. If we're going to be roommates for the next five years, we should be friendly right?

After fundamentals, it's time for real spell casting which is what I love most. Akana told me yesterday that the whole class would be practicing defensive spells together. After a couple of days of learning shield and protect along with a weak offensive spell called blow away, it seems that Professor Sable and Akana feel that we're ready. I don't think I'm ready at all, but mixed with all my nerves is also excitement. I hope I can do Akana proud and show everyone I'll be a great wizard one day!

As we make our way outside to the field, I look around curiously having never been here before. "This is where those who can fly on a broom practice too." Akana explains after seeing the curious look on my face. "Those who are really good race each other for prizes. My husband was a great racer back in school." He looks lost in memories for a moment. "There's that sport and also magic duels. They are more dangerous but also very entertaining to watch." He looks back at me and smiles.

"Those are the main sports here at Raven's. You won't be seeing if you can fly a broom until the end of your second year to the beginning of your third." He then adds. "Magic duels are taught right away because you need to know how to protect yourself. You won't be eligible to join the sport though until your third year for sure. You'll continue to practice regardless."

I nod and swallow hard. I know my oldest brother Scott was a racer when he attended Raven's because of all the trophies in his now empty room. Simon wants to join magic dueling, but I don't know if or when he can join. I'm just happy I haven't seen him all since Thanksgiving. I didn't even see him and Father return from Christmas break... oh well! They're not interested in me and I'm not interested in them either!

Professor Sable is explaining what Akana just told me to the rest of the class so I stay close to my teacher. He giggles softly and smiles at me. "Don't be too shy now... you're going to be paired up with another classmate." I blink up at him. "I-I am?" At his nod, I pale and feel nervous all over again. "It's going to be ok. I was thinking of pairing you with my daughter. You two seem like good friends." He says putting a hand on my shoulder. I swallow hard and nod. That shouldn't be too bad...

Soon Professor Sable starts to put us in pairs. Ally beams when it's announced that I will be her partner and she stands next to me. "This is going to be so much fun!" She squeals and I wince a little at her high-pitched voice. Maybe I'm being too sensitive... so I smile back at her and nod. "Y-yeah... so much fun..." I murmur back making her giggle. Well, at least she's excited about this.

Professor Sable clears his throat making us go silent. Well most of us since everyone seems so excited. "Alright class. Decide with your partner who will be offensive and who will be defensive. Remember protect is a stronger spell, but it will only protect your partner while shield is weaker, but it will protect you both. If you or your partner is blown away, you'll lose the duel and won't go against another team. This is all practice so don't fear failing. One day you may need to protect some you hold dear."

I nod then jump as Ally grabs my arm. "I'll be offensive!" She says firmly. "I saw you using the defensive spells and you're really good! I know I can trust you with that more." I blink at her and blush. I'm flattered that she trusts me so much. Filled with determination, I nod. "G-got it!" Maybe seeing the fire in my eyes, she giggles and hugs me. "I know you can do it!" Everyone else has decided quickly too so it's time for us to begin.

As Professor Sable assigns who will go against whom, I spot Jason sitting on the sidelines. I smile and wave at him and he does the same. I never got to ask him about the weird glow as I talked myself out of it. I was probably just seeing things... I don't want to be seen as weird to him.

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