Chapter 35: Regroup and Lick Wounds

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The Dark One

Nothing can describe the rage I'm feeling right now. Not only did I fail to get rid of the Rose brat, but he defeated my shadows?! How can this be?! How can just a young and stupid brat get the best of me?!

I grit my teeth and start to pace. The way he looked with those flames... he isn't to that age yet, but he looked a lot like what he did in the vision the old bat showed me as a warning. He wasn't angry or sorrowful... just scared. He wanted to protect his twin which gave him power. How stupid! Seeing him that way made me afraid and sloppy... that's the only thing that makes sense!

I can't let that happen... I can't let him get to that point. I throw a chair across the room and feel ready to explode! I hear footsteps and see the boy peek out behind a wall with wide eyes. Looking at him now I can see it... damn it, he does look like Silas! I feel a surge of rage and I think about killing this boy and dropping off his body in front of his house. He may not care... but that annoying mistress Nina would I'm sure!

Silas... I can't believe that bastard betrayed me too! All because he wanted the glory if the brat killed me. I knew he was selfish but this takes it to a whole new level! To undermine me... to make a fool out of me... I should rip him apart! Destroy everything he's created to make him suffer and pay for his crimes!

"Master?" The boy looks puzzled and curious. "Who made you angry? I can kill them for you!" The eagerness in his voice is amusing. At least he gave up such a useful brat of his. "Everything is fine. I've got everything under control." I have to calm myself. For a moment there I thought about killing this boy. I can't get rid of such a useful tool.

"If you say so master." He sounds disappointed. So ready to kill for me... I've raised a perfect little boy! "I'm going back to bed then. Night." He then walks off looking down. Poor little demon... he'll get his day to show his skills though. Perhaps using him to kill the other Moonfall's... now that's a great idea!

Master? I pause hearing my minion. Are you alright? The poor thing sounds so nervous. We both came up with this place but I could just blame it on him... no matter. If I only punish him then he'll be less likely to do well in the future. I need him at his best so I can get rid of this pest.

"I'm peachy. Ticked off that the brat could beat my shadows but whatever. There's always a later date." I mutter and sit back down in my chair. I rest my chin on my hand and hum to myself. I'll need to figure out the best way to move forward.

Yes. I didn't expect the Hill guy to use that spell. He went white as a sheet though when he realized his mistake. I can't help but laugh along with my minion. Well, that's true. He didn't even think that I'd learn his true identity. Why does he have Soul's Flame with his twin though?

It's a great question but I already know the answer. I've seen it before so it isn't too surprising. "Because of the so-called twin bond. They feel each other's pain if they're far away or if it's a life or death situation if they're close. The Rose brat has magic after all... and he's the first firstborn twin to even be born with magic in a long time." I close my eyes. "He's the one... he matches the one from the vision I saw. I no longer have to go around and kill these stupid babes."

He hums softly in my head. Interesting. What's our next move? He's too well guarded now sadly... otherwise I'd try to do something to... I snap my eyes open. "No! He's mine to kill so don't even think about it!" I clench my fists. This is something I need to do. If he is the one who can defeat me, then I have to be the one to defeat him. Prove the old bat wrong and take what I deserve.

Y-yes master. I hear him stammer. Then what can I do from here? Excellent question honestly. I think for a moment. "It would be suspicious if you just disappeared from school so you will remain as a student. Keep an eye on the brat for as long as it takes. Years even." Then something comes to me. I smirk. "Break him," I say. Break... him? He says confused.

"That's right. Tear him down. Break him until he loses his will to fight. This doesn't even have to be done now... if we take everything from him then he won't have a reason to struggle against his fate." I laugh out loud. Why didn't I think of this sooner? "Keep doing what you're doing. Once he's completely broken... I'll rip his soul out of his body."

The more souls I take the better off I'll be. If I take his soul... I'll just keep growing my power. It's how I've kept myself looking so young all this time in comparison to how the old bat aged.

I get it... I can do that! I'll keep up my reports and make her he feels secure... until we take everything he has and tear him apart! I grin. This minion isn't as bloodthirsty as the boy I have here, but I can tell he wants to make me proud and will do whatever it takes. Perfect... another useful tool.

"Good. Now leave me be." I say and our connection is cut. I smirk darkly and lean back in my chair. It won't happen right away... but breaking this brat will be the only satisfying way to dispose of him. I've waited this long... what's a little more time?



I stir and open my eyes finding myself looking up at the stars. I tense and sit up immediately. This place is familiar... wait that dream I had before! That means... I stand up and spot the old man from before. He is staring up at the stars with his sightless eyes. Why does he look so... sad? Troubled? Haunted even?

I hesitate for a good while then jump when he speaks. "Don't be afraid, chosen child." He looks towards me and I tense. Can he actually see? "Come here... I need to speak with you. That's why I summoned you here again." Wait... he summoned me? Why? I hesitate more before timidly walking over to him. Who is this old man?

"You make many questions swimming in your head." He remarks making me stare at him wide-eyed. Can he read my mind somehow?! However, he looks up at the sky without saying anything else about it. "... I've seen many horrible things with this gift of mine." He murmurs. Gift? What does he mean? "I see visions of the future and give them as prophecies."

Huh? I watch him curiously as he continues. "Every one of my visions comes out as true. If I interfere nothing changes. The same event happens no matter how much I struggle." He sighs sadly. "I made a mistake when I told them about their prophecy... as it has led to many innocent children being murdered. That is my deepest regret."

I feel lost and overwhelmed. Why is he telling me all of this? What is he trying to tell me? "Arrogance and greed will be their downfall." I tense and look at him with wide eyes. Why does his voice sound different? Like more than one person is talking? "Darkness cannot exist without light. Only the power of a firstborn twin can stop the dark one forever."

I freeze and start to feel dizzy. "Y-you... did you give out that prophecy?" I ask quietly. He sighs. "Yes... and I made the mistake of telling them about it too." My heart pounds in my chest. "T-then you..." my head is swimming. "You know who the Dark One is...?" He looks back at me and the sad look seems to confirm it. "W-who..."

"Telling you will do nothing to help you." He murmurs. "Nothing has changed or will be changed... fate is set in stone." He looks back up at the stars. "I've looked through every possible choice... and nothing changes the ending." He shook his head. "I'm sorry... you've been chosen for this terrible fate. You will suffer and struggle... but also give hope and happiness to everyone. Whether or not you'll be happy... I don't know. I don't see... that future."

I pale. "I-I don't... have a future..." I tremble a bit. "No, child... I can't see that part of your future. Not unless I receive another prophecy." He tries to calm me down but I feel like crying. "I hate this gift of mine... I see it as a curse." I look up and notice he's fading away. "W-wait!" I stammer and reach out to him as my dream starts to collapse in on itself. "P-please! T-tell me... who you are! Please!"

He smiles back at me. "... Christian... just call me Christian." With that, my dream falls into darkness.

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