Chapter 6: Heading to Raven's

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I wiggle in excitement like momma helps me into my plain gray school robes. It was finally time for me to go to Raven's and I just couldn't wait to go! Momma looks up at me and smiles gently his long black hair pulled back in a loose ponytail.

"You're growing up so fast, baby girl. It almost makes me sad," he murmurs and hugs me close. "Please learn well. You'll be home by Christmas at least. Maybe Thanksgiving... no they always kept us back during that time." he frowns looking deep in thought and sighs. He was dressed up for the occasion with a white and gold shirt, the colors for the good side of school, and some light skinny jeans.

Many have commented on how momma was the perfect mix of girl and boy energy. He was feminine but not overly so. He never wore dresses and skirts and made sure he was seen as a boy. That was how he saw himself and that was all that mattered.

Daddy walks over and smiles. He is dressed up in his best dress shirt and some black jeans. "Looking good you two. Come on, love. Jason is waiting on us and he has to be there early." he says and holds momma's hand. He chuckles when I look around for my belongings and am confused when I don't see them. "Everything is already at school. Jason has it waiting in his office so that it can be sent to your room," he explains and starts to lead us out of the house.

I hold momma's hand and we are off. I look around as I know it will be many months before I see my neighborhood again. I suddenly feel a pang of guilt when I see old Ms. Beets on her porch seeing me off a big green frog on her shoulder. I didn't go and see her these past three days as I've been too excited to even think about her. I hope she wasn't too sad and disappointed.

I look forward and realize when Jason's small gray house comes into sight. I hope that his garden is well taken care of without him being there. Hopefully, it will stay as beautiful as it is now. We walk onto the porch and daddy lifts a fist to knock on the door

Jason answers the door before daddy can even knock. He is wearing his TA robes which were also dark gold with cream colored trimming. He had a pointy hat in his hand as well though I giggle because it was going to look so silly on him. "There you are! Come come! I don't want to be late!" he seems nervous which surprises me. He was usually so calm, cool, and collected

Momma watches him and smiles. "It's going to be alright, kiddo," he says in a light affectionate tone to Jason and pats his shoulder. "Just take a deep breath. You'll make a great teacher. Send me a letter if you get a student that is like me and I'll gladly come and help." Momma was the youngest wizard with a magic hand. It was very rare since most wizards could only call on their magic with the wands that they got after being chosen into their part of Raven's.

Jason nods and swallows hard. "Yeah... I know. Thank you, Akana. I think I'm more nervous than Ally. She looks ready to burst with excitement." he chuckles down at me as I can't seem to stand still. "Come on. Let's get you to Raven's." he leads us to the room with the dragon statue and I remember how sick I felt going and coming back. I had thrown up after we came back and luckily Jason didn't seem too upset with me. He told me it was normal since it was her first exposure to strong magic.

They all surround the statue and I grip momma's hand tightly. "Stay calm. Clear your mind or you'll get sick. Just let yourself glide." he whispers to me then closes his eyes. I take a deep shaky breath and close my eyes. I do feel calmer with momma here holding my hand. He always calms me down when I'm in that horrible pain too. Daddy helps, but momma was the best medicine I could ever ask for.

Raven's School of Magic: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now