Chapter 15: Overwhelming Guilt

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After school that day, I decide to hang out and enjoy my roommates' company. We help each other with our homework and even practice some new spells. Defense spells are much harder to do, but it's all worth it. Who knows when we'll need it, especially with the Dark One on the loose!

Pretty soon it will be Thanksgiving and then Christmas time and I can't wait! My birthday is on Christmas Day, so I get double the presents! Thanksgiving here at Raven's is said to be amazing too with a big feast and everything. With momma a teacher here too we can even have dinner together with daddy as a visitor.

"So is there anyone who catches your eye?" Scar asks us teasingly which makes Chris make a weird face. "You mean the boys? Eww... maybe the older boys, but not the ones in our year! They're all weird and gross..."

"Ooh, so you do like someone!" Scar squeals making Chris blush. "Who is it huh? Ally, I see you blushing too!" I don't even realize I am and I touch my face. Do I like someone? Or am I embarrassed for Chris?

"Scarlet stop!" Chris whines and throws a pillow at her. "It's not a student! He'll never look at me anyway..." she mumbles and I tilt my head. Not a student? So a professor? I try to think, but Scar sighs as if understanding. "No, I get it... Assistant Hill huh? Oh yes, he's so dreamy... and nice... and strong... he's awesome!" Chris blushes more while I look puzzled.

My godfather? Really? Why? I don't get it and Scar seems to see it on my face. " Don't worry, silly. You grew up with him so he must be like a brother to you or something!" I think for a moment then nod in agreement. That makes more now though to me he's like an uncle. Momma hates that word though so he's my godfather.

I tune them out especially as they gossip about Jason. They are already thirteen, so maybe that's why they're already into boys? I still find them a little icky and I'm twelve so it makes sense to me! Soon enough we all end up going to sleep for the night. However, my night doesn't stop there sadly.

Once again, I wake up to a terrible agony. I let out a scream and hold my arm. It starts to blister and turn bright red. My stomach is hurting as well, but the pain in my arm is blinding. I hear poor Chris and Scar startled awake by my screams try to calm me down and see what's going on. My screaming must have woken everyone else up too, but my vision blurs. It becomes too much and everyone goes black.

When I wake up again, I'm in the nurse's office again. Ms. Rowe is over at another bed with Headmaster Magnolia, but I see a boy in a black and crimson robe sitting on the other side. I squint and recognize him as Brandon Young. What was he doing here? Well, the nurse's office is in the gray area so I guess students from both schools come here if they're hurt.

"Ally dear?!" I jump and see momma hurrying over. "Momma..." tears come to my eyes. It was always terrible to go through this in the past and very scary too. However, the past is nothing compared to the present. I tried so hard to not worry momma and daddy, I really did. I can't hide it anymore which makes me start to cry.

"Oh, my poor baby!" Momma hugs me close while I sob and latch onto him. "It's ok, baby. I'm here now." He says soothingly and rubs my back. I don't know how long I cry, but I start feeling sleepy and finally stop.

Before momma can say anything, I hear the door slam open. I look over and tense seeing Silas... no Professor Moonfall. He walks over to the other bed and frowns. "What the hell happened to him?" He asks darkly. Was it Simon? Wait... is it Ariel?

Brandon stands up. "Dean Moonfall sir." He dips his head. "I saw everything. Connor Constance from the school of light along with the help of Henry Mori and Fredrick Hunter are the cause." I can't help, but tense. No... it has to be Ariel then. No way... he's still being bullied after all this time? Guilt hits me hard and I look down at my hands.

Raven's School of Magic: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now