Chapter 4: Samson and the Unknown Observer

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When I woke up this morning, I was shocked to find out Father had sent out an application for me to attend Raven's School of Magic. I read it over and over to see if there was some sort of mistake but it had my name on it alright.

Dear Professor Moonfall,

I wish to congratulate you on Samson's acceptance into Raven's School of Magic. We look forward to getting to know him and teaching him in the years to come. Please bring him to the front gate by 7:00am on July 20th. Attached is a list of several supplies that will be required for all first-year students. Books will change into the appropriate text for whatever school he is chosen for.

We look forward to seeing you for these next six years and we hope your son will enjoy his time here learning the wonders of magic. We expect great things from him.

Professor Sophia Magnolia
Headmaster of Raven's School of Magic

Mother stands in the living room staring at the letter for a long moment before speaking up. "Why did you even send an application for him? What's the point when he's just a big disappointment?" I flinch at the cold tone and her glare before watching her walk off. So she isn't happy for me. What did I expect? Mother never shows me any love like Simon's mother shows him.

I had been rather excited to go out to Raven Square. My brother Simon had to get his supplies for his fourth year at Raven's anyway so Father made me come with them. However, the trip there made me panicked and nauseated neither Father nor Simon warned me about the trip and the use of magic at all. Simon snickers a bit. "Oops! My bad! I should have told you you'd feel that way." I swallow hard and stay silent.

What I didn't realize was the number of people that would be in Raven Square. I feel myself get cold and her hands clammy. I don't have time to get used to everything as Father and Simon are already moving forward. I quickly follow after them grabbing onto Father's cape for security.

We first go to a pet store where I watch in awe at the cute animals. I love the little kittens and frogs. However, Simon decides to put a lizard on my head making me scream and try to get it off. I hate lizards, one bit me when I was smaller and it left a scar. Father rolls his eyes and takes it out. "Such an annoying drama queen." He mutters in disgust making me flinch and go to a corner where I remain until Simon picks out a mean-looking black owl for letter sending. I open my mouth to ask if I can get a pet but then close it seeing how impatient Father looked. I decide I'm not old enough and we're off again.

We walk to a bookstore which is where everyone seems to be. I pale and shake especially after we walk inside and all eyes are on us. I reach for Father's cape again but flinch away when he shoots me a cold glare. Oh, what I wouldn't give to just disappear into the background...

Father walks over to the front desk ignoring the line. "Trisha! Get me Simon's fourth-year books and a set of first-year books!" He calls to a short and round lady with a friendly look to her. The lady pauses and nods before disappearing into the back. She had been tending to a father-daughter pair when we came in

I notice the girl giving me a small wave, so I offer the best smile I can muster. "Samson, ignore them! The Rose's are just pathetic and disgusting bugs." I tense and look away quickly. I feel tears burning in my eyes but I do my best to hold it in.

Mr. Rose glares at Father. "Excuse me?" He asks lowly and clenches his fist. I tense more as he reminds me of Father or Mother when they're getting ready to hit me for doing something stupid.

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