Chapter 34: The Reveal Spell

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As Jason talks about what his internship was, I can't help but frown. Why does any of this even matter? Well, the spell he talks about is interesting... this can prove Samson is a bad guy!

"Alright!" Professor Magnolia suddenly speaks making me jump and I look up in time to see the file in her hand disappear. "You speak the truth, Assistant Hill. Edgar Yearwood wrote fondly of you in his report and permitted you to use what you've learned outside the courtroom. So go ahead... you seem sure of what you're thinking of so prove it to us. Show us who this child really is."

About time! I can see that Jason looks super excited about this though so he's not thinking about what I am. "Yes ma'am. I won't let you down." Headmaster Magnolia chuckles and nods. "I've never doubted you once, Jason."

Well, I doubt him! He believes a bad guy after all! "Please stand up kiddo... and don't be frightened," Jason says and Samson stands up. Seeing him shake like a leaf makes me scoff. Of course, he's acting like a crybaby still. How stupid!

"Do you trust me?" Jason asks him. Samson looks ready to cry but I know better. He immediately nods though. "Y-yes... I-I do... I trust you... a lot... Jason." His stammering just feels so fake! How can everyone see otherwise?!

"Then trust that I believe you. This will prove you're innocent." Yeah right... Jason takes out his wand and points it at Samson after a deep breath. "... ostendo."

This wand glows a faint blue and the spell circles the boy. Above his head appear the names he has gone by: Samson Moonfall and Ariel. I watch as a question appears.

What is this child's real name?

I wait for it to just remain Samson Moonfall... but something happens that makes momma gasp out loud.

Ariel Rose.

Wait... what? How could this be? I sit up and watch as more questions and answers appear.

What crimes has he done? None.

Did he attack his classmates with the help of shadows? No.

Is he working for the Dark One? No.

Is this his real appearance? No.

Who is he? The missing child of Akana and Phoenix Rose, their firstborn twin. The Dark One's target.

Samson... no Ariel just stands there nervously not seeing what is going on above his head. His hair once muddy black is now a white blonde just like daddy's.

Jason watches this and the biggest grin forms on his face. No way... my face pales. He's known all along... why didn't he say anything before?

Just then the spell circling Ariel turns red. Jason freezes and tries to stop it, but he's no longer in control it seems. Then I hear a shrill laugh echo through the room.

Ariel jumps and looks around his face pale. Then I see the red glow start to close in before changing into a shadow. One last question and answer appears above him.

Will he survive past today? ...NO!

The moment I see this answer my blood runs cold. No... please no... the shadows attack making Ariel cry out. "NO!!!" I rush forward. I just got him back... I won't lose my twin brother again! Daddy grabs me quickly and I try to get out of his tight grip. No! Let me go!

"ARI!" I hear Jason cry out and watch as he tries to get the shadows away from him. It doesn't work though as he backs away his face pale as if he is seeing a ghost. What is he seeing in the shadows?

Raven's School of Magic: Year OneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ