Chapter 21: Break Time, Presents and More!

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After most of the students and professors leave for break, Raven's changes overnight. So many holiday decorations line the hallways and stairwells. A tree was in every room each decorated differently. When I got up this morning, a small one with sheep and colored lights was even in my room! The thought of someone doing all of this overnight seems impossible, but with magic, it is very possible which is why I love learning it so much. I know magic can't be used for everything... well that's what Akana says anyway, but after reading over a book he gave me at the start of our lessons, I question if it's actually true.

As Christmas gets closer, I realize I don't have any way to get a gift for Brandon. I'm unsure of what to do, but on Christmas Eve, he joins me for lunch with some craft supplies. Seeing my puzzled expressions, he chuckles a bit. "I realize I don't have a gift for you and I'm sure you don't have one for me." I must look guilty because he shakes his head. "Don't worry because I have an idea. Let's make each other bracelets! I'll put some of my magic in the one I make for you and you can put some of yours in the one you make for me. Think of it like a friendship bracelet."

I pause and think about it for a moment. It's not a bad idea at all. I'm unsure of my crafting skills, but I want to give it a try! Mother used to always tell me that I was terrible at drawing, coloring, and making little things, but who knows? After all this time dealing with my family, maybe she just really hates my guts. She lied to me to make me feel sad and miserable because I was actually good. I have no idea but it's a nice thought. I guess I've accepted that Mother will never love me. Oddly enough though... it's freeing.

Brandon gives me some thick string and some charms to choose from then shows me how to make it. I watch him and follow his lead while picking out a white string. Since it will be something to remind Brandon of me, I add a small sheep charm I find in the mix and some beads in some of my favorite colors: white, gold, and red. To better match his school robes, I also add a couple of black beads.

As I weave the bracelet together, Brandon is doing the same. He had picked some black string, a bat for the charm, and black, blue, gold, and white beads. Maybe he has the same idea as me to make it go well with my robes. He catches me watching him and smiles before getting back to work. I feel my cheeks burn a little as I look back down to get the bracelet done. I don't know if I'm embarrassed or what, but my heart is pounding in my chest.

Brandon finishes before me but waits patiently. "There you go." He says once I finish. He takes the bracelet he made in his left hand and takes out his wand with his other. "Just make your hand glow and whisper a blessing. Don't let me hear it though! Otherwise, it won't work." He says firmly and demonstrates. He lets his wand glow as he brings his hand closer. He whispers so softly that I can't make anything out. It then stops and smiles at me. "Just like that. Easy right?"

I take the bracelet I made and think for a moment. What sort of blessing should I give Brandon? Then I make my hand glow. "... Please stay safe... and nice to me. Always stay happy and well." I whisper and relax as I make the glow stop. I can sense my magic very faintly in the bracelet so I believe I did it right!

Brandon nods. "Good work!" He carefully puts the bracelet on my wrist and I do the same with mine. "Now let's be friends for as long as possible... even forever." He smiles warmly as he adjusts the bracelet carefully. I nod and feel myself smile ear to ear. "S-sounds like a good plan to me!" I say cheerfully and giggle softly. This is already the best Christmas ever so I don't know how it can get any better.


The next day I wake up to a couple of presents under the sheep tree in my room. In all my thirteen years, I've never gotten a present before. Excited about the new experience, I walk over and see that my name is on both of them.

Raven's School of Magic: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now