Chapter 23: Magic Creatures Lesson

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As classes start again, I get back into my routine. Fundamentals, spell casting, magic creatures, and potions. I only have history a couple of times a week which is the time I have off between magic creatures and potions. It was overwhelming at the beginning I won't lie but now it's so much easy. I'm not nearly as tired which is good since I have so much homework at the end of it all. It can be interesting sometimes then

Now in magic creatures, we get ready for our lesson. I hear a knock on the door and look back with the rest. I beam a bit seeing momma with Ariel. What are they doing here though? Momma goes up and speaks with Professor Yarrow while Ariel shifts around. He's probably uncomfortable with all eyes on him even for a second. Poor thing... I offer him a small smile which he returns weakly. Then Professor Yarrow clears her throat catching our attention.

"Today I have asked Mr. Rose here to bring in Ariel to sit through this lecture. He will also help out as needed. Ariel, please have a seat." She tells him. Ariel nods and looks around nervously. I wave him over since there's an empty seat next to me and smile happily when he takes the seat. He gets out his pen and notebook while in fundamentals and shifts in the seat.

"Thank you very much." Professor Yarrow says then clears her throat again. "So today we will be talking about magic creatures that are or can be in a physical body like our own. Many of them are humanoid as well." She turns and starts to write on his board. "These are fairies, vampires, and demons, werewolves. Dragons are an endangered species new to hunters going after trophies so many of the ones that are still around are in hiding and in a humanoid form." She then turns to face us.

"Many people are mixed with these species. I wouldn't be surprised if some of you have some fairy or demon blood within you. Of course, you all are witches and wizards, so don't worry. It's just a fact of life." She says when many students start to protest and be considered. I tilt my head curiously very intrigued by all this information. "The only signs of these bloodlines are in the characteristics you may express." She looks over to momma who smiles and nods as if permitting her to continue. She nods then goes on.

"Those of vampire descent can simply have long canine teeth. They aren't necessarily born with the need to drink human blood." I blink and think of daddy's long teeth. Does that mean I have vampire blood? I poke my canine teeth but they aren't long like daddy's. I guess I don't show it like him. Professor Yarrow continues to so I focus on listening. Ariel is taking messy notes next to me. "They also aren't allergic to the sunshine either. A few may burn easier, but that's not a defining characteristic. Being turned into a full vampire won't be as horrifying either. They tend to have an easier time adapting because they have those instincts deep down inside of them."

I think about that for a moment. If daddy did get turned into a full vampire, then he could just be the same daddy I know but with a need for blood. He'd probably just want to drink off momma though. He loves momma so much. Then momma would be weakened... oh well! No need to worry about that.

"For those with demon blood, they may be more luckily to do better in the dark arts. This isn't always the case, but they aren't more in tune with darkness. Some may even become a shadow or control them. They aren't evil by nature like full demons tend to be but can be tempted." She comes on writing down the main points on the board.

"In many cases, vampires and demons are mixed with one another. For those individuals, in extreme rage, their eyes could turn red. This is even more so for those with both vampire and demon blood. They go through something called 'blood lust'." I get confused. So they're just wanting more blood to drink? Professor Yarrow continues though before I can even think of asking what she means.

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