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Part One



After practically having to fight Dre for him to go to sleep he finally gave in and I must say, getting an adult to go to sleep is just like trying to get a toddler to lay down.

Once he was sleep he laid up under me, holding me tight as hell. 

Ironically the photographer sent the rest of the pictures from the wedding today so I was currently going through those and looking through these just gave off so many emotions. 

The pictures came out so good and there were so many too look through, but seeing Marcus in these pictures pulled at my heartstrings everytime I saw him.

This was really gonna be something that was really gonna take time to process because right now, it still doesn't seem real

Just as I was about to click out of the pictures I realized in the background of the last picture I looked at was Emoni and Marcus sitting at one of the tables. Emoni was holding Gigi while she was smiling and it looked like Marcus was saying something to her.

My heart broke so bad for Emoni because I know how much she really did like Marcus and it was obvious that he really did like her too. They were only just getting started and my little sister was finally getting her chance at being genuinely happy.

I closed my laptop, sitting it to the side and maneuvered my way from Dre's grasp before getting out of the bed. I left the room and went down the hall to where my momma was with Gigi and Gio. She ended up picking them up from school for us and I didn't know how I was gonna be able to tell Gigi about her Uncle Marcus so my momma said she would talk to her.

She sat on the couch while Gigi sat beside her and Gio was asleep on the other couch, of course with his cup tucked in his arm.

Gigi looked down as she played with her bracelet before looking back up at my momma again 

"So im never gonna see him again?" She asked with sadness in her voice. My momma sighed

"Im afraid not"

"But... im gonna miss him"

"I know you are and im pretty sure he's gonna miss you too babygirl. But he wouldn't want you to be sad"

"What about daddy?" Gigi then asked, eventually looking over at me 

"What about daddy?"

"Is he sad? Uncle Marcus was daddy's best friend"

I nodded "Yeah he was daddy's best friend so daddy's sad right now"

"But uncle marcus don't want us to be sad"

"You're absolutely right. Everybody's just gonna miss him sooo much"

"Me too... me and gio" she pointed over at her brother.

Meanwhile he was knocked out with a little bit of drool hanging out causing me to laugh a little

"Yeah I'm pretty sure Gio's gonna miss him too"

Gigi let out a yawn before talking again "Im tired... can I go lay down?"

"Of course. You know we never say no to naps in this house" I told her and she wasted no time sliding off of the chair, going down the hall. 

Once she was gone my momma looked at me

"You okay?"

"Yeahhhhh" I drug out, going over to sit beside her. Once I sat down, I looked at her "No"

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