Thirty Three:

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January 12
12:22 pm

"But yeah. She ain ever respond after I text her back off his page." I told trin while we sat outside.

She sat in the car with the door opened while I leaned against her car

Dre and gio were both sleeping and lord knows they needed to stay that way so I let them be

"Damn" trin shook her head before looking at me "you wanna jump her?"

"No we ain gotta jump her. I will beat her ass though if she text him again tryina be funny. And what really annoys me is when females KNOW niggas be in relationships and try to be funny about the girlfriend, wife or whatever it is. Like girl... I'll really hurt you"

"Did he say where he saw her at?"

"I spoke to him about it this morning before he went back to sleep not to long ago. He said she approached him at walmart and he didn't even entertain her then.. I believe him though. Cause he really don't have a reason to lie. He ain lie to me yet"

"I highly doubt Dre would do anything to risk losing you. That man love you too much"

"I know... but I still don't like no disrespectful hoe"

"Yeahhhh.. I feel you on that. But honestly you shouldn't expect nothing outside of disrespectful from somebody that wig look like hers. On all them pictures on her page she got on that same crunchy wig"

I laughed a little

"But forreal Ana. Don't worry about that girl or no other hoes, niggas, enemies or anything negative. You get married next month. This supposed to be the happiest time for you"

"I guess. It don't feel too happy."

"Well what do we have to do to make this time happier?"

"Let's leave these kids with their daddies, run away to another country and pretend like none of this ever happened"

Trin stared at me like she was genuinely thinking about it. Eventually she shook her head

"Don't tempt me Ana. If you would've caught me on a bad day I would've been ready to go right now!"

"I bet so. And even if, you know you ain leaving melody"

"At least not right now. She been up under me lately. But Darius still her favorite"

"Must be nice. Gio love his daddy and sister and Gigi love being alone now. Unless it's her brother or Emoni"

"All them kids love Emoni cause she got them spoiled as hell"

"Forreal. I give her all the flowers she deserve though. Cause she got a whole lotta nieces and nephews"

"Bitch so do you" trin said to me

I looked up, counting in my head

"Damn. I do"

"And that's just the biological ones. You gotta include the ones you got from Dre's family too"

"Zoè, Layton, Braxton, Maya, Brooklyn, Autumn's new baby, Melody, king.."

"Dj, Noah, Landon and Cali... and you might as well add keem's baby too." Trin finished for me "Damn Ana. That's 13"

"What the hell.. somebody need to stop fuckin"

"It ain me. I only got one. Everybody else birthed multiples. Especially Autumn and Darius. And keem only getting started"

"I believe it. But ima let him enjoy this one he got. He's sooo in love with his daughter and I think it's so cute" I said with a smile

"I'm glad they went with the name Noelle. I think it's a cute name and it fits her"

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