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Ryan (Keem's Babymomma)

February 28


"You know you don't have to hold her while she's sleep" I told keem as I finished washing dishes as he sat in the living room holding Noelle and scrolling on his phone

"You know you ain gotta be in me and my daughter's business" He responded back

I rolled my eyes and laughed

"And youre gonna be the reason why she cries every time somebody puts her down. She's spoiled"

He waved me off making me shake my head

Surprisingly he randomly ended up in a good mood yesterday which was kind of weird, but I was just gonna mind my business. 

"Did yall find the people that killed Sienna?" I asked 

"Nahhh" He answered, keeping his attention on his phone

"Well I do hope yall get to them cause I hate what happened to her. That wasn't right at all"

"It's hard to do something to people that like to play hit and run"

Once I finished cleaning up I cleaned my hands, grabbed my phone and went to sit on the couch in the living room beside him, watching as he continued to hold our sleeping baby on his chest

"You know you really should put her down"

His eyes travelled over to me

"You sound jealous cause ain nobody holding you"

"I have plenty of men that would hold me if I wanted them to"

"Well go find one of them and stop hating on us"

"Nobody is hating"

"Thats not what it sound like"

"Whatever Keem.." I unlocked my phone and saw a text message from on of the girls I associate with being that we both have a large following on instagram and we do hostings. 

She was kinda messy which was why I couldn't be friends with her, but she was cool to party with when we had to do hostings together

She sent me a screen recording of this girl's close friends that used to be one of the instagram girlies but she fell off after the whole situation with her ex-best friend getting killed

"What is this girl sending me now" I muttered, reading the text message. It was just her talking about how bad the girl looked now along with the video she sent so I clicked on the video

The girl, maggie, propped the camera up while smoking a skimpy blunt. Her hair looked a mess and she was with a bunch of dudes in the backgroud based on the voices

"Who you talking about?" Keem asked me 

"This girl I do hosting with being messy about this other girl she used to be cool with" I told him, showing him the video and when he saw the girl in the video he rose his eyebrow, grabbing my phone

"You know Maggie?" He asked me. I shrugged

"Barely. I know of her and the other girl she used to be with all the time that got killed. Aysia. You know them?"

Keem chuckled "Some like that"

He restarted the video, turning it up

"Im so tired of being in this funky ass house" Maggie said in the video, hitting the blunt while the guys behind her started fussing a little

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