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March 4

2:19 am

At 2 o'clock in the morning, you would expect for the world to be at peace, everyone was sleep and everything was okay. Well unfortunately for this morning, nothing was okay.

Dre got a call from his momma crying saying something happened and we needed to get to the hospital asap. So we packed up the kids, luckily my momma was still up for some reason and let us drop them off at her house, then we headed to the hospital.

When we arrived to the hospital we eventually found everybody. As we approached them I looked and realized that two people were missing besides us which had me worried. Not only that, but the whole vibe seemed very off, which let me know that something really bad must've happened.

"Ma" Dre called his momma's name, causing her to lift her head up and stand up to meet us

"What happened? Whats wrong?" I asked and she looked off to the side for a second with tears in her eyes before speaking 

"Some-..." She started to say but got choked up before speaking again "... somebody shot up Marcus' car with him and Emoni in it causing them to crash"

As soon as she said that, my heart dropped. Dre's eyes grew and based on his facial expression, I didn't know what he wanted to say or what he was gonna do next.

Eventually he just chuckled a little, shaking his head

"You playin, right?"

She shook her head as a single tear fell down her cheek "Somebody shot my baby Dre. She's been in surgery for too long and I-.." She stopped talking to take a breath and Dre just grabbed his momma, hugging her tight while she cried. 

Immediately you could now see the anger in his eyes as he tried not to cry himself. Meanwhile I could feel my eyes water up as my heart pounded through my chest. 

"But shes's gonna be okay, right?" I just had to ask because honestly this didn't feel real at all right now. This just couldn't be real at all

"Nobody's telling us anything right now" Lea answered. Her eyes were so red and puffy as King was sleep with his head on her lap

Trin sat in the chair holding sleeping Melode next to Darius, who I could tell had cried and was beyond pissed. I then saw one of his wrists was handcuffed to the seat he sat in which tells me that he definitely showed his ass before we got here 

"Well what about Marcus?" I then asked.

Keem then made direct eye contact with me, not saying a word. Dre's momma then lifted her head up, looking at both of us with the tears still falling as she shook her head. That alone crushed my soul before she could even say a word

"He was gone before they could get him to the hospital"

As soon as she said that, I immediately felt the tears start to flow out of my eyes and I had to catch my breath. 


"Marcus is gone"

Dre took a step back from his momma, staring her right in the eyes

"Nahhh Ma.. Not Marcus"

"Im so sorry Dre" She apologized to him 


"He's gone"

Dre then finally looked around and realized that she wasn't playing at all and I could see the look of hurt and defeat that came across his face. He opened his mouth to say something but then stopped and put his hands on his head. Once the tears fell down his face I knew it was a wrap for him 

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