Thirty Two:

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3:34 am

Gio was sick so I wasn't surprised when he decided to wake up at 3:30 in the morning irritated and fussy. I was awake but honestly I was just so exhausted to even get up so Dre went to check on him and somehow he ended up in the bed in between us

"I would give every dollar in my bank account to go back to being your age if I could" I told gio "all you gotta do is sleep, eat and play. That's it. And you just act like you can't ever sleep. Take advantage of all this free nap time cause you won't be able to get it when you my age. Especially when you have kids"

Gio looked at me before wiping his eyes and turned to lay on Dre

"I don't care. You can keep your daddy up. I'm going back to sleep" I got comfortable and laid back down closing my eyes

"You good twin?" I could hear Dre ask gio as he started coughing so I sat back up

"What you doing to my baby Dre? I closed my eyes for 5 seconds"

"We good. Go back to sleep" Dre told me before letting out a yawn

"Did you give him some of that medicine?"


"You didn't give him any juice with it?"


"Juice" gio repeated and Dre looked at me some type of way

"I was just asking" I shrugged

Gio sat all the way up and sneezed

"Juice" he said again as he wiped his nose

"Bed.. you need to go to bed twin" Dre told him while getting up

While Dre left the room of course gio wanted to go with him so he tried to rush off of the bed. Instead dre just turned around and picked him up, leaving the room again

"He wanna be all up under his daddy while he sick. Better not be up under me when he feel better" I muttered as I laid back down, seeing Dre's phone light up in the middle of the bed where gio had it.

"Who the hell texting him at 3 in the morning?" I questioned while looking at the notification. It was a DM on Instagram from some girl

You gonna talk to me now or you still being an ass like the other day?🙄 If so call me on here. Cause I know you miss me and I know "wifey" probably check your calls🤣🤣

"The fuck?" I sat back up and unlocked his phone, going to the message. I scrolled up seeing old messages from YEARSSSS ago. Before me and him even met and it obviously shows they used to mess around. I clicked on the girls page and saw that she followed him but he didn't follow her so I went back to the message to text back

He's busy with his family so I suggest you find something safe to do instead of playing in his messages

She opened my message and started typing but deleted it and didn't respond

After a while Dre came back into the room with gio, who held a cup in one hand and a pack of fruit snacks in the other hand

"Fruit snack?" I looked at Dre as he sat gio on the bed before laying back down

"He wouldn't have saw 'em if he didn't go get juice"

We both looked at each other before looking at gio. Gio just laid back in the middle laying his head on Dre, one foot on me and the other against one of the pillows. He had his cup tucked under his arm while he stared at the tv which silently played Phineas and Ferb on Disney plus and ate his fruit snacks

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