Chapter 57: Awakening of the Pharaoh & Forging the Empire

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"Oh, you know, it's fun, it's part of my plan, to start a war, to bring peace."

–Madara Uchiha, (Naruto Shippuiden)


<(Atem POV)>

Looking over my new list of abilities, I was quite pleased and my satisfaction was quite obvious too due to the huge smile visible on my face. A small telepathic knock on my mind's barriers made that smile bloom even further as I sent a mental message to Karnilla to come in.

"So, I had sensed right. You have grown stronger... and quite a lot at that too. Well done. But again, that is to be expected since you have been undergoing this... evolution of yours for so many years." Karnilla said while sizing me up and down.

"Wait, did you just say so many years?" I asked with a raise of one of my eyebrows.

"Yeah, it has been 10 years since you have been in this room. I had tried to wake you up multiple times but no matter what I did, you never woke up. So, all of us have been waiting for you all these years to come back to your senses." Karnilla said with a bitter expression on her face.

That surprised me. Have I really been locked inside my mind for 10 fucking years? To confirm it, I immediately spread my senses around the entire planet to find out the truth as a huge amount of information about the changes that had taken place on the planet during my absence entered my mind. But those changes have only taken place in the last week.

"You know Karnilla, even though I appreciate you trying to learn how to joke, you shouldn't do it with the very person who literally owns you. I can make your life very uncomfortable if I really want to." I deadpanned at her. "Also, before you make a joke like that, make sure that the person you are targeting for your joke, can't connect to the very planet you are standing on to find out if you are lying or not."

"S-Sorry... master, it was just a dumb idea that suddenly came to me. I did the same with Korg too a few days ago after he fell asleep in one of the citizen meetings and he believed me completely. He even thought that he had time powers for some reason. But I was foolish to think that it would work with you too." Karnilla instantly became serious after my threat as she bowed her head to beg for forgiveness.

"... Relax. I am just fucking with you. I love some harmless humor. You might not have gotten me, but it seems I got you." I chuckled. "Now tell me, have you made any progress in the last week concerning our new planet, the great migration from Sakaar, and the... army I wanted?"

"We have advanced a lot on all fronts, courtesy of the Sakaarians. Even without Zoya, we were able to make sure that we grew our power almost as fast as before. And quite surprisingly, a huge reason for that was some of the trash that we had recovered from Skaar before it exploded. What the Grandmaster treated as garbage due to his disinterest in advancing the technology of his planet, was in reality a treasure trove of knowledge from different corners of the universe for us and I have been trying to make sure that we don't let even a single bit of that knowledge get lost or wasted." The Norn goddess answered.

"You are using the Sakaarians to reverse engineer, industrialize, and assimilate all that technology into my new empire?" I asked curiously.

"Yes. That way I can not only properly utilize the entire diversified population that we took in but also develop at a fast rate. That way, not only can the entire population be employed without any concerns about them revolting, but also as you told me before, we can use that technology to trade with other empires once we are big enough. As for agriculture and farming, well surprisingly the planet's soil is extremely fertile under the crystal layer.

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