Chapter 47: A Grand Game (4)

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"Racing is life. Everything else is just waiting."

- Steve McQueen


<(Atem POV)>

After Susan discovered her power to become invisible, I had to spend about 10 minutes explaining to her how her powers were not at all harmful to her being and how she was not a weirdo. However, doing all that explaining wasn't too much of a headache for me since she took everything like a champ.

Although quite worried at first, she soon realized that her power didn't pose any significant danger to herself and could be easily controlled with some focus. In fact, she even began to practice her ability on her own in order to find out what else she could do with her powers.

"Your invisibility seems to work on the principle of reflection of light. Maybe you could also change colors and stuff as well by using the same method to make up illusions." I casually advised.

She would figure out how to use her forcefield power in time which in itself would be extremely OP but the ability to cast illusions by bending light around her or her forcefields was something that she never fully utilized, even in the comics even though she always possessed it. However, the most she did with it was make others invisible or change her hair color. That was the reason I even advised her that, to try to give her a clue about how else she could use her powers.

After seeing his sister's powers, Johnny too began trying to become invisible himself but of course, as expected, it didn't work at all. Even after using his complete focus while clenching all the muscles in his body, he could not achieve anything even close to invisibility. The only thing that did change in him was his body temperature, which rose a few degrees but no one else noticed it except me.

I thought about telling him about his own fire-based abilities as well, but we were quickly running out of time. We still needed to prepare our racing crafts for tomorrow and we were nowhere close, so without wasting any more time, I entered the bar ignoring Johnny's mutterings of disappointment.

As the guards had said, the bar was mostly empty with only a few drunk people spread throughout the establishment along with just one bartender cleaning the glasses.

Initially, I was only looking for a humanoid woman sitting alone by herself, but besides my main target, I found someone else as well, someone who was just as... interesting.

"A glass of water please," I ordered the rock-bodied alien bartender as I sat on one of the chairs in the bar beside a hooded woman who was wearing full body armor, and a semi-transparent veil on her face.

"Oh, Hello there. My name is Korg. So, do you want hot water for yourself or cold water?" Korg politely asked as he placed an empty crystal glass in front of me.

"It doesn't matter as long as it's just water," I answered to which he just gave an earnest nod with a big smile etched on his face while he took out a beautiful crystal bottle and poured me a drink.

"Amazing. A life form made of rocks instead of flesh. Are you even carbon-based?" Reed muttered to himself in awe after seeing Korg. He seemed strangely impressed with his biology. Susan and Johnny weren't too different as well. All of them looked astounded after seeing the grey living rock alien.

"I am sorry but is that a compliment? If it is, then thank you. If it is not, then I am quite offended." Korg reacted like a proper soft-spoken gentleman as he politely responded to Reed's words.

"And you Miss? Care to introduce yourself?" I offhandedly asked the hooded woman sitting beside me as I took a sip of the cold water from my glass while hoping that the drink was free like any glass of water normally is on Earth.

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