Chapter 53: Acquiring a Living Crystal Planet

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"A Victor Must Speak Not Of The Current State Of The World, But Of How It Should Rightfully Be."

- Sosuke Aizen, (Bleach)


<(Atem POV)>

"Are you sure that you don't want to come back with us, Atem? Everyone in Genosha should be really worried about you right now." Susan pleaded with me to go back with her as she stared at me with her puppy dog eyes.

"No, I can't. I still have things to do here Susan. I am sorry but I won't be able to return until I complete at least some of my objectives. But don't worry, I won't be too long. Also, you should remember that Earth is always just a magic portal away from me." I calmed her down with a smile as I gestured towards the glowing cyan-green portal.

The Fantastic Four were finally returning to Earth but instead of using a starship that would take too much time for them to reach Earth, it was decided that they would instead be using a magical portal made by Karnilla to save time. As for me, I would stay back with Karnilla in Zenith to make sure that the new inhabitants of the city were settling here comfortably.

"Sigh, fine." Ultimately nodding at my answer Susan pushed her lips onto mine in a quick kiss before quickly walking into the portal with a disheartened face as she followed after Johnny and Ben who looked like they wanted nothing more than to go home and get some much-needed sleep, putting this entire nightmare behind them once and for all. And, of course, Reed was much too happy to return to Earth as well, with all the amazing knowledge that he was able to gather from his travels.

"You are one heck of a lady killer, aren't you?" Karnilla asked with a sly grin on her face.

"Maybe. Everyone has their talents... By the way Karnilla, were you able to figure out the coordinates I gave you?"

"I was. I can even open a small portal there or I can just have the entire city make a jump there itself if you want it, even though the latter option would consume a huge amount of energy and would most probably result in the city being stranded in that location for a few days until it completes recharging itself with the nearby magical or cosmic energies."

"No need to move the entire city when I am not even fully sure that what I am looking for is still even there. The planet that I am searching for was last seen in that location and is a moving and most important of all, living planet that can go anywhere it wants, anytime it wishes. So, we should go there personally first before summoning the entire city as well." I answered.

Yep, I was looking for Ego, the living planet. Well, 'looking for' would be the wrong term since I had actually already found him. Zoya had been doing her best to trace him using his unique energy signature of the little seed that he had left on Earth and before she went dormant, she had managed to provide me with the rough coordinates of its location based on that energy signature.

'That reminds me, I still have an evolution to undergo. I think I'll do it after I am done with Ego maybe. Evolving while being the proud owner of my own planet can do wonders for my mental health.'

"Fine. Let's go now then. I also want to see what you are truly searching for." As she recited a small incantation, a golden light instantly covered both of us like armor while another portal appeared with a small circular motion of her hands. "There. Now, we will be undisturbed by all the characteristics of empty space and can easily survive in it."

"Well, I can actually survive in deep space on my own without any external help. But still thanks, I guess. I mean it is the thought that counts, right?"

Marvel: A New God's ReignOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora