Chapter 7: Political Agendas

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"If your life can change once, your life can change again"

– Sanae Furukawa, (Clannad)


<(Atem POV)>

"Gosh, it was so tiring tonight. Most of the elites who attended the party were too sleazy for their own good. I can't believe some even had the gall to ask me for sexual favors in return for joining our organization. We were the ones doing them a favor by letting them join our secret society but no, they had to act like greedy pieces of shit." Emma huffed showing her annoyance as the three of them exited a boom tube and reached their mansion in New Genosha, the island that resulted from the joining of the original Genosha island and the mutant island of Krkoa.

"Huh, really? What did you do?" I asked wondering if I would get to read about the news of different members of the elite committing suicide in tomorrow's newspapers.

"Nothing much. I just followed Jean's example of what she did with Scott after he got a little too obsessed with her and used my telepathy to make most of them desire to see their wives getting banged by other men while putting tiny mental blocks in their minds to make sure that they would never be able to 'get it up' again.

"You know, times like these are when I truly feel proud of you," Selene said with a smile on her face as she sat on my bed.

"How many new prospective members did we get anyway for the Club?" I asked as I looked at the two women who were supposed to be two new leaders of the club, the White and Black Queens.

I had actually taken over the club about a decade ago after I killed Faust. At that time I had just absorbed the entire organization within the League and closed it down making sure to get every single resource that the club possessed. But it was a mistake since I lost the evergrowing bouquet of connections and influence that came with the notoriously well-known secret society.

That's why I made the decision to restart the society again, this time to make sure that not only a lot of high-level people from the country and maybe even one day the world would join in but also so that I can slowly but surely leverage all these connections and the collective influence of the members especially in that of the upper-middle and grass level of the social structure.

"I got about a couple of dozen industrialists. They seemed crooked, so they would definitely have some deep connections and influence." Emma said as she flicked her blonde hair in pride.

"Well, I went mostly after politicians and high-tiered government officials especially the military officers since they were the ones who had mainly attended the part as the biggest customers of Stark Industries. It was quite unfortunate that there weren't any military generals or secret service agents there, otherwise, we could have made this a much bigger haul." Selene spoke up as she began to transfer her memories into a small stone in her hand after noticing that Emma began to do the same with a separate stone of her own.

They were memory crystals developed by a combination of Morgana and Selene, built to transfer memories and information directly from one mind to another. They were quite useful since they basically meant that paperwork of any kind was no longer necessary. As long as Zoya got the required memories filled with the required information, she would be able to take care of all administrative tasks.

"Is there any reason that we are actually increasing our power and influence like this instead of going all out by just using the Cerebro or even the upgraded Cerebra that can be used by my daughters to just mind control everyone on Earth to accept us as their absolute ruler?" Frost asked as she remembered about her five teenage clones genetically engineered by Sublime that she had adopted after Rudeus obliterated the bacteria.

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