Chapter 46: A Grand Game (3)

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"The racing is the reward, not the stuff!"

- Lightning McQueen, (Cars)


<(Atem POV)>

"Look, Reed, I get it, you are an amazing scientist who can invent antigravity skateboards with just trash, but designing a car is not as easy as you think it is. Believe me, I know I am a car enthusiast. And even if I tell you all the details, designs, and specifications of the best cars in the world, you still won't be able to complete it by tomorrow since we don't even have access to a single of the car parts we need.

Plus, we have no idea what these aliens' race cars can do. What if they have teleporting cars or cars that move faster than light? We are going to look like idiots if they teleport to the finish line where our car travels at 300 miles per hour (482 km per hour)." Johnny sounded like he was in despair as he held his head in his palms, looking like he was having a headache.

After hearing about the possibility of having powers, the guy seemed strangely obsessed with teleportation, inserting the word into almost every sentence he could. I guess he really wanted the ability to teleport as his superpower... only if he knew. I almost felt bad for him.

"What do you mean? I can build a car better than any other company out there. Just tell me about the general specifications of the best supercar out there and I will make it. I can even use our ship's warp drive as boosters. I would have done it already if I knew about cars as much as you, but unfortunately, I never bothered about getting my driver's license or learning how to drive cars. So, even though I know about the general mechanics behind how a car works, I don't know exactly what features modern cars offer... God, I miss the internet already." Reed exclaimed, annoyed at being continuously underestimated by everyone on the team.

"No, stop Reed. Johnny is right. You probably can make the best car to ever exist but we are behind schedule. We barely have a day to complete making one car, much less five. On top of that, the Grandmaster didn't bother providing us with resources, contacts, or even any money for that. Even if you do come up with a design, we still won't be able to complete it. We need help.... preferably from a local." I stopped their argument as I expressed my thoughts.

"Sounds like we are screwed, especially since the cars that the Grandmaster would give us if we fail to acquire our own vehicle would definitely be defected in some way or another." Susan gave her own two cents with a grim expression after hearing my words as she thoughtfully looked out of our room through the open window.

We were originally given two rooms by the Grandmaster to stay in till our match, with guards constantly standing guard outside our rooms to monitor us and make sure that we didn't try running away.

The worst thing was that these new guards weren't like those weak-minded bugs but instead grey-skinned Shadow People with proper telepathic barriers to protect their minds. I could still get into their minds if I tried hard, but the forced penetration would leave lasting traces, which would allow the Grandmaster to know that I had fucked with their minds. Now, I wasn't afraid of the Grandmaster. I was ready to fight and kill him if worse came to worst. However, I also really wanted to finish my first chain quest from the system and killing the Grandmaster before our Death Race would not let me do that.

Anyway, as I was saying, one of the two rooms that we received, was given entirely to Ben so that he could rest since his health seemed the worst out of everyone while the rest of us just decided to settle in the other room to start planning things out for tomorrow.

"Not really screwed, there are some things that we can do like stealing a craft that we can further modify, but I was hoping that we do not have to steal." I sighed as I expanded my cosmic senses all over the planet for the tenth time, trying to find anyone who looked like Valkyrie from the movies. If I could promise her something that she would want like money, honor, or revenge, maybe she would agree to help but again for the tenth time in a row, I was disappointed. No woman looked even close to the MCU version of Valkyrie on this ball of trash.

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