Chapter 15: A Twist of Fate

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"Besides, you and I both know the real power in this world ain't magic. It's money! Buckets of it."

- Dr. Facilier, ('The Princess And The Frog', 2009)


<(Atem POV)>

"Ok, are you sure this is safe? Morgana told me that the last time you made her the New God of magic, you almost collapsed. If this is going to hurt you, we might as well try other ways of achieving immortality or increasing our powers. I mean we have already invested a lot in different projects to achieve the same purpose, so, we could even have a breakthrough in the next decade at the most." Jean expressed her concerns with the most worried expression I had ever seen on her face.

"Well, it's not like I am going to die... at least I don't think so. But look, this is the fastest and most efficient way to truly make sure that we have some big guns in case of a big attack against us. I can already make sure that people remain virtually immortal by keeping them young or bringing them back to life or at their peak every time they die with my divine healing ability but that's not efficient since there are a lot of conditions on using that ability like having to use it within a day of the person's death and stuff like that. So we need this even though it seems like we don't. Believe me, it's better to be prepared and not need something than be unprepared and need it." I reasoned.

And it was completely true. Right now, making a new... New God (that actually sounds really weird) isn't a necessity for me but an investment and a countermeasure against other powerful gods and entities that could one day try to antagonize me.

"Are you ready Irene for the life-changing experience that you will be undergoing soon and also, are you sure you don't want to wait for your wife to return for this?" I asked genuinely worried for the masked woman standing before me as I and Jean reached the test chamber where the conversion was scheduled to take place.

"No, I want to give a surprise to her. Your healing has been extremely helpful in recovering my health but my prophecies have been equally as strenuous on my body and mind if not more and recently my gifts haven't been working as well as they used to. But I don't want to stop.

Mystique has done a lot for me over the years just like you have done for us and the entire metahuman community and if I can help you with my powers, I want to continue doing that. That's why this conversion is so important to me because this might enable me to help all of you more, it might give me the purpose I had always wanted." Irene Adler, aka, Destiny argued with an expression on her face that seemed extremely genuine.

She wasn't lying, I could feel her thoughts and emotions radiating off of her. She really wanted to be of help. Her wife was one of our most important spies who was responsible for collecting highly valuable intel but she on the other hand had been steadily losing her importance over the years, especially with her progressing age and the fact that my appearance had basically cast a veil on her visions making her only see rough possibilities which most of the times never came true especially when the vision had something to do with me.

"By the way, before we start, I have to ask this. Did you see this happening in one of your visions? Did you see what the divine awakening would grant you? The new abilities that you would have access to if the process is a success?" I asked, hoping that if she had then I wouldn't have to make a decision on which powers to give her.

"No, I am sorry but unfortunately I hadn't been able to see anything past this moment. I had repeatedly tried to use my abilities to see how my... awakening would go but every time my vision ended with you holding my hand and me being surrounded by a bright flash of light. So, I have no idea what is going to happen after the conversion." Irene admitted with a helpless smile.

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