Chapter 28: Gods and Dictators

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"It's over, Anakin. I have the high ground."

- Obi-Wan Kenobi, (Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith)


<(Atem POV)>

"*Sigh* it seems that none of you knows too much about your organization. You are just a group of brainwashed ninjas dressed in bright red costumes." Atem sighed deeply as he dropped the unconscious ninja's body from his hands and looked at the dozens of Hand ninjas lying still on the road in different conditions like a bunch of dead flies. "Well, I guess I can leave all of you alive since I doubt any of you would be walking again after this with those half-melted brains of yours." I joked, using some of my dark godly humor that I considered was one of my specialties.

'At this point, I am pretty sure that Gorr the god butcher would one day be coming after me. I mean I am a good person and all but anger truly does get the better of me sometimes.' I thought to myself as I looked in the distance towards the location from where Doom was observing me.

It looked like he was still there. I guess even expecting him to admit defeat and leave me alone after seeing me mind-rape my enemy's minions was childish in the first place.

Maybe I should talk with him since I want to complete the quest as soon as possible. After all, which person in the world wouldn't like a magical cape except perhaps a certain old female fashion designer?

<(Omniscient POV)>

"That was... intriguing. It seems that the so-called metahuman god isn't as 'merciful' as he is described to be by his followers and cultists. Also, it seems that his most powerful ability is his telepathy since that was his trump card in this little joke of a fight. Fortunately, Doom has one of the most powerful mind protection against such mental and spiritual attacks on this planet." Victor Von Doom barely stopped himself from gulping as he looked at the New god standing expressionlessly among the partially brain-dead ninjas lying on the ground groaning helplessly.

'This is enough for today. I have got what I need. The next time we meet, I will truly show you that even gods are beneath...' Doom could not complete his thought as his next words were stuck in his throat and he almost choked on them.

He felt the hair on his skin stand up in the fear of the unknown as he for the briefest of moments felt the weight of the world pressing down on him when he sensed Atem staring at him with his weird purple-ringed eyes. Doom was only able to monitor him through the use of his shamanic magic but for some reason, he felt that Atem on the other hand could not only see him clearly from miles away without the use of any magic but also was somehow able to stare into his very soul.

"What the...?" The King of Latveria could not help but take a few steps back in fear and surprise as the spell he was using collapsed. "... Those weird red-ringed eyes, they weren't the eyes of a god. They looked like the eyes of a cold-blooded monster and not just any monster but a being that could devour the gods and the devils alike." Doom said to himself as he activated his spell again and tried to see if Atem was still there.

Victor knew that he needed to retreat as quickly as possible but for some reason, he could not. He wanted to see more, to learn more, he felt his instincts scream at him to tell him that he could achieve so many things, and grow so much more powerful only if he could somehow learn Atem's secrets.

"Is he truly a god then?" He muttered to himself as he tried to find the New God with his magic but surprisingly the road where he was previously standing was only littered with half-dead Hand ninjas but the New God himself on the other hand was nowhere in sight.

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