Chapter 55: An Inner Battle and the Next Divinity

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"Knowing you're different is only the beginning. If you accept these differences, you'll be able to get past them and grow even closer."

– Miss Kobayashi, (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)


<(Atem POV)>

'Great I am back here again,' I grumbled under my breath as I found myself in the white room where I had once awakened my divinity of 'Domination'. All around me, there was almost nothing but an all-encompassing sea of white which made me extremely disoriented and nauseated.

The last thing I remembered before reaching this place was selecting the evolution option available in the system while meditating in my city castle on my new planet.

"Did I already evolve?" I wondered aloud while trying to see if there were any changes in my body. Sadly, there were none and I felt exactly the same as I always felt. So maybe, the evolution was still yet to come.

"Oh, it seems you are back." A familiar male voice sounded from behind me, surprising me while giving me a sense of Deja Vu.

Turning around, I saw an exact replica of myself standing with a small snicker on his face. The only difference between him and me was that this version of me seemed to have a... 'darker' aura around him for some reason and appeared more emo and broody when compared to the real me.

"Wait, you... Are you the same guy I met last time I was here to awaken my first divinity? The Domination guy?" I asked while looking at him from head to toe. 

"He was not just some guy, we are the same, idiot, just different aspects of the same being. But no, I am not. He is already gone after you completed his test and unlocked your first divinity since his purpose was achieved. I on the other hand represent a different divinity of yours." He answered with a snort.

"Hmm? So, this isn't some normal evolution that I am going to go through but instead, a divinity unlocking session to unlock my second divinity?... That's disappointing, I thought I would have a free power upgrade. But then again, getting dominion over another concept will bolster my strength a LOT. So, tell me, what do I have to do? Shake your hand, maybe?"

"... You WILL be going through an... evolution of sorts. You will have to face trials that will evaluate your capabilities and judge if you are worthy enough to receive my power and advance forward on the path of a true god." The me-clone declared with outstretched hands.

As soon as he said it, the surrounding space of the white room warped, and a massive altar of sorts came into existence with a gigantic stone statue that weirdly looked like a chibi version of me if I were a naked exhibitionist Greek God with the size of the Statue of Liberty appearing at its front like a silent guardian.

"Cool altar," I uttered.

"All you have to do is defeat the guardian statue within exactly one hour and you will automatically become qualified for the evolution." The clone revealed.

"And I will be able to unlock my second divinity as well?" I asked curiously.

"Defeating the guardian will just make you eligible for an evolution and the evolution will naturally empower your body further to possess two massive divine authorities in the same body which means you will be able to inherit the divinity that I am currently holding... Of course, you need to defeat me and prove yourself to me for that to happen. After all, I can't make it as easy as your first time." Clone me explained.

"I see. Then, what are we waiting for? Let's start. I can't keep wasting too much time here, I have stuff to do in the real world." I said while cracking my knuckles.

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