Chapter 31: The Domino Effect

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"My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get"

- Forrest Gump, (Forrest Gump)


<(Atem POV)>

"So, can any of you track him or know where he is, or do we have to search the entire globe to find his whereabouts?" I asked Zoya, hoping that I wouldn't have to use my cosmic awareness to try to scan the entire planet.

The skill even though could cover the entire Earth at my current level was still extremely mentally tiring to use. Not only that but sensing too many things at once while using the ability could also give me one hell of a headache.

After all, it's one thing to use it in the vast emptiness of space and something completely different to use it on a place like Marvel's Earth. Also, there were just too many ways to block my cosmic senses including some quite easy magical spells and rituals that could even be performed by amateurs with the right resources. Of course, this was something I wasn't at all proud of but the truth is truth.

"We had established a lot of secret bases all over the world for different emergencies, so he could be in any one of them but the problem is that we had made a base in almost EVERY country on the planet, sometimes even multiple bases in a single country. Hell, there are some bases I don't even remember the location of, making the possibility of us finding him in time, almost next to impossible." Remus explained with a deep tired sigh as she used her fingers to play with her hair in frustration.

"I have also tried tracking him online sir but it seems wherever he is, he either has extremely good cybersecurity capable of thwarting even me or, he isn't surrounded by technology at all. I could try and find him by using our new long-range observation satellites, but using those limited satellites to thoroughly search the entire planet would still be too time-consuming compared to our more... supernatural methods." Zoya spoke up as well from inside the tablet in Hank's hands.

"Supernatural methods? Do you mean we should try to use magic or maybe the Cerebra again? But, I thought you said that the Frost sisters weren't able to find Romulus' whereabouts even with the Cerebra, so what guarantee is there that this time it would be any different." I asked doubtfully.

"You are exactly right sir. There isn't any guarantee. But I wasn't talking about the Frost sisters or the Cerebra. In fact, I am not talking about magic as well since that too can easily be blocked especially by someone like Romulus who according to our intel has his own group of mystics to block long-range magical attacks against him. However, there are a lot of superpowers that might help find out Romulus' current location, other than just telepaths. The simplest of them perhaps is luck." She cryptically said it like she was trying to build hype for something.

"Luck?... Wait, are you talking about her...?" I asked curiously while furrowing my eyebrows as realization suddenly dawned on me.

"Yes, I think it's finally time for you to summon her for a mission," Zoya replied, her voice containing a slight undertone of teasing.

"But I have told you before Zoya, what she has is not a power, at least not one that she can rely on like other metahumans. Her power is something uncertain, one that even she doesn't know the working principle behind. We can't just blindly rely on her power" I argued righteously.

'Also, she is the only one who has beaten me in every single game we have ever played, no matter how much I have tried to cheat.' I thought with a mental pout although that had nothing to do with me not wanting to bring her for a mission.

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