Chapter 45: A Grand Game (2)

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"The only way to do something is to do it. You can't think about it, you can't talk about it. You just need to do it."

- Katsuki Bakugo, My Hero Academia


<(Atem POV)>

[Chain Quest Title: Lost Remnants of the Elder Races]

[1st Quest (1/3): A Game with the Grandmaster]

[1st Quest (1/3) Description: You have met one of the Elders of the Universe for the first time. The Grandmaster is the last member of one of the oldest races formed during the Big Bang itself. However, does that make him better than you, a God? The answer is no. So, make a bet with the Grandmaster and then prove your superiority over him by beating him at one of his own games, while winning the bet. The nature of the game doesn't matter as long as there is a clear winner]

[2nd Quest (2/3): ???]

[2nd Quest (2/3) Description: ???]

[3rd Quest (3/3): ???]

[3rd Quest (3/3) Description: ???]

[Chain Quest Reward: ???]

[Chain Quest Penalty: None]

[Accept / Reject]

Now, this is unusual. I can't seem to see the latter two parts of the quest or even the rewards. So, there is a possibility that this might be one of the easiest quests I have ever done or it might just be a suicide mission... But since there is no penalty, accepting it shouldn't cause any major disadvantages for me. Even if I don't complete the entire chain quest, I will just be missing out on the reward but if I do succeed somehow, then there is a chance that I would be making an immense profit.

Concluding this in my mind, I immediately accepted the quest and focused my attention back on the Grandmaster. Even though it might seem from the outside that I had been thinking to myself for a while, however, due to the processing speed of my brain it has only been a few seconds in reality.

"What I want if I win against you is this planet and everything on it. Simple, right?" I asked with a charming smile, acting like I didn't just ask him to put forward his entire empire as a bet.

Grandmaster wasn't the only one surprised by my words because as soon as I said it, almost everyone who had heard my words immediately stopped whatever they were doing and focused on me. There were smiles on some faces like they were watching something entertaining, some looked worried for me, and some just didn't care and looked at me like I was wasting their time. However, most people including the golden armor-wearing red-skinned Imperial had an expression of unhinged anger on their faces.

The Fantastic Four behind me also looked pretty shocked by my request but they still didn't try to oppose me. Even Reed who looked like he wanted to get more involved in the conversation wisely kept his mouth shut.

"You dare try to take advantage of the Grandmaster's compassion? You should be melted down for this." The human-looking woman beside the Grandmaster shouted in her hoarse voice as she struck a statue with the tip of her staff, immediately melting it into goo.

Witnessing this, I immediately used my psionic tendrils to stretch over through the entire 'royal court' as I slowly began taking over the minds of the cockroach-like soldiers here. They had the weakest minds among every other species present here along with the highest numbers, so taking control of them was the most efficient way to gather a force of my own in case the Grandmaster suddenly decided not to humor a challenge today.

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