Chapter 29: Heralding A Contract

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"I always, always wondered, I was born to die, so what was my reason for existing in this world?"

–Yuuki Konno, (Sword Art Online)


<(Atem POV)>

"Doom will never break. You will never make me surrender." Dr. Doom groaned, while bound by a bunch of black receivers made my rinnegan. He had half of his face visible in the open due to his partially molten mask, a result of the constant magical fire along with the various spells I had been attacking him with.

"Yeah, I realized that in the first hour of torture. I was only trying to practice my magic skills for the last two hours." I muttered under my breath, annoyed that none of the magic spells that I had cast till now using my Witcher world magic system were in any way reality-altering.

In fact, the entire Witcher world magic system unlike all the bullshit types of the magic of the Marvelverse was based on the concept of equal exchange which meant even though I had complete unrestricted access to 'chaos' which was the origin of the magic of the Witcher verse, there were still limits on what I could physically do because chaos energy wasn't the only thing that was 'consumed' every time I used that particular type of magic.

For some reason, every spell I used from the system drained my divine energy as well as my never-ending supply of Witcher world's chaos energy, thus limiting what I could do using the magic system beyond the planetary level or higher.

Also, a lot of my powers and abilities like Nirvana fire were much more powerful than their magical counterparts like the sigil/spell of Igni, so using magic for my normal enemies was a waste of my talents. I would much rather reserve my magical abilities for actual versatile sorcerers or reality-altering cosmic threats.

"Okay, now that I am mostly done with my tests, I think it is time to end this with a bang, don't you think?" I threatened with a small smile as I manifested a small crimson-red glow on my fingers, ready to use my divine energy on him directly to enhance my mental attacks on his mind.

As my glowing finger lightly touched the side of his forehead, I felt his mind's painfully constructed mental shields trying to block me from accessing his mind. They were extremely strong hands down, even without the artificial psionic blocker hidden in his suit which was constantly trying to neutralize all my psionic energies directed at his mind while cloaking him from my psychic might. But they still weren't powerful enough to stop me from forcibly tearing apart his mind.

"Yeah, so there is good news and bad news. The good news is that you can finally be free now, but the bad news is that while I am not going to kill you or torture you any longer, I still have to wipe everything out from your memory which means you will be reduced to a vegetable by the time I am done with you." I warned, trying to ease him into the pain and sense of helplessness that he would be experiencing soon.

"You... you won't dare." Victor groaned out in pain as he desperately tried to hold back the panic he was feeling.

"I will actually. I mean, I didn't want to, but this is the only logical option I have to prevent you from stealing from me. In fact, I think you should count your lucky stars that I am not killing you and causing a war to break out in Europe. I am sure any neighboring country of Latveria would be more than happy to conquer the country the moment something happens to its one and only ruler... Although, now that I think about it, a lot of people wanting to take over Latveria for themselves might also try their luck when they find you as a vegetable but eh, whatever, not my problem." I said as I finally began to use a considerable portion of my telepathic might to slowly drill into his mind's shields.

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