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Admittedly, she was drunk this time and Damon having had sex with her could be considered as molestation as she was not in the right state of mind to neither agree or disagree to anything. But that seemed to be the least of Lilliana's problems, she didn't care if she was drunk and had sex with her father's best friend. She only cared what the said man thought of the magical night they spent together. Sitting alone in the living room with the tv playing, she kept checking her phone every now and then for a text from him but was greeted by her smiling face instead of a notification everytime. She grew agitated with every second she spent without a reply to the many texts she had already sent to Damon.

Brzzzzt Brzzzzt!! Her phone finally buzzed with a call. Looking at the screen, she jumped out of her seat when she saw Damon's name and received the call.

"I'm in a meeting, what do you want??" The man asked, before she could even start with her pleasantries. The coldness in his tone giving Lilliana's heart a frostbite, he had never spoken to her like that, not even when they were distant with each other. Swallowing the painful lump suddenly stuck in her throat… crushing her windpipe, the girl opened her mouth to speak but stuttered instead "I...I.." nothing else came out after that letter.

"I don't have much time Lilliana, what do you want??" Damon snapped, his tone colder than it was when he first spoke if that was possible.

The girl took a deep breath in to calm down before trying again and said "I need to talk to you" her voice low and afraid.

"I have a lot of work to do, don't call me unless it's an emergency" the man said, his indifferent voice followed by a beeping sound… He ended their call. Lowering her phone, a tear rolled down the girl's cheek followed by another as she stared at the now black screen. She should've known that this would happen, after all the man was a womaniser. What made her think he'd be good to her and change his ways?? She fell sideways on the couch and hugged one of the cushions closer to her chest. Hiding her face in the soft material, she cried her eyes out until she fell asleep.

In his office, Damon's jaw locked as he stared at the computer screen in front of him. In it played a live footage of the crying Lilliana, his little flower crying because of him. Why did he have to honour relationships?? Why did he have to be bestfriends with Jackson?? And most importantly, why did he have to allow himself to fall in love with the one person he knew he couldn't have??

30 minutes later, Having seen and heard enough. He shot up from his chair and walked to the mini-bar by the corner of his office. He sat down on one of the stools, grabbed a bottle of whiskey and an empty glass from beneath the counter. He threw in a couple of ice cubes in the glass before filling it up with the golden liquid and gulped it down.

He filled it up again then flushed the liquid down his throat. He repeated this a few more times and each time ignoring the burning sensation the strong liquor left behind before finally deciding to stop. How else was he supposed to be blind to his little flower's tears and numb to her cries??

He got up from the bar and walked back to his desk. He grabbed his jacket that was hanging around his chair's backrest and stumbled out of his office into the elevator. It dropped him off in the company's lobby "tell James to get my car" he told one of the security guards, making his way toward the exit and waited for some time before James pulled up in front of him in his car.

He jumped out leaving the driver's door open and said "Drive safe sir" Damon only nodded before lowering himself inside. Sitting behind the wheel, he closed the door and raced back to the Barnette's Residence.


Lilliana's startled awake by the sudden loud banging sound in the house. Sitting up straight, she heard someone curse in their entryway and went to check whom it was that late since Damon didn't sound like he was going to be coming home. But to her surprise, she found the said man leaning against the door completely drunk.

“Damon" she rushed to him worried. Putting his arm around her shoulders, she wrapped hers around his waist and helped him into the living room. She left him slumped on the couch and hurried to the kitchen to make him some lime water before walking back to the lounge.

“Here drink this' ' she held out the glass to the man. Taking it, she watched him gulp down all of the water before taking it back from him and sat it on the coffee table next to her. She then looked at him, wondering if it would be a good idea to bring up what happened the night before with him this drunk and shook her head. It was best that they talked the next day when Damon would be in his right state of mind and very much conscious. She grabbed a throw from the sofa and draped it over the man's body before going upstairs to her room to sleep.

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