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At the party, surrounded by the foul smell of alcohol, drunk teenagers grinding their sweat covered bodies against each other and loud music blurring throught the walls Lilliana sat alone at the bar with a glass of mojito infront of her, she had initially asked for a bottle of water but the bartender refused with the reason "you're at a party and I only serve cocktails" she didn't know much about cocktails so she had said the first drink that came to her mind "tell me something..." the bartender started placing another glass of a cold mojito infront of the girl, Lilliana looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, a sign for him to continue " offense, you're pretty but you don't exactly look like the type of girl who's always out at night.." that was true, she preferred her nights quiet and peaceful, instead of a beer she'd rather have a book in her hand " why did you come to this party?? I know it's definitely not for the soft drink" definitely, the girl nodded

"Birthday girl privileges" she said with a straw stuck between her lips and took a sip of her mojito before explaining further " friend asked me to come with her" nodding her head toward the dancing Tessa who had quickly welcomed the wildness of the party as soon as they walked in the house unlike Lilliana, other than some of the basketball players who liked hanging around with Jake....Tessa's boyfriend, she knew no one else at the party "oh" the bartender said just as a guy plopped on the seat next to the girl's

"give me something strong" he told the bartender before turning to the girl "...hello beautiful" he slurred, a supposedly sexy smirk on his face, Lilliana mumbled a small "hey" back and turned around in her stool to look for her friend who had suddenly disappeared amongst the crowd, and cursed when she did....pinned against the wall by a boy wearing the familiar burgundy baseball jacket that only Roseville High basketball players wore but wasn't her boyfriend, that much she could tell from just looking at his back....he was built and had long hair reaching over his shoulders, whereas Jake's hair barely touched his neck if she remembered correctly and she doubted a week would be enough for him to grow it to that length.

Putting her drink down on the counter, she jumped off the stool and approached the two in long wide strides, and with every step she took closer to them she could see her friend's futile attempts to get away from the boy and walked even faster "Hey, let go of her" she growled grabbing the boy by his arm and ripped him off of Tessa

"hey, what's your problem bitch??" He growled stumbling back to get his balance and knocked a vase off the cabinet in the process, ignoring him Lilliana wrapped her hand around Tessa's waist and swung hers over her shoulders before leading her through the drunk teenagers toward the exit "where are you taking me??" Tessa slurred just when they sat foot outside the house onto the front porch, gulping deep breaths in of the fresh air the girl gave her a simple answer "home" this was one of the reason why she couldn't let Tessa go out alone or get drunk like she did....Tessa always seemed to lose control of herself at the smell of alcohol.

She walked Tessa to her car and opened the passenger door, carefully helping her inside she strapped her seatbelt on to keep her from falling and closed the door before running around the car to get in the driver's side, seating behind the wheel she inserted the key and turned the car's ignition on, placed both of her hands on the steering wheel and looked infront of her ready to drive away from the club but hesitated, she knew how to drive it was just that she hadn't driven a car since her mother's death, her fear of getting in another accident always restrained her "I'm calm, I'm calm....." she repeated trying to convince herself, took deep breaths in of air to calm down her heart hammering in her ribcage as sirens rang loudly in her ears and memories from the past clouded her vision....memories that always seemed not so far out of reach to haunt her, closing her eyes, once again she took a couple of deep breaths in before opening them again and said "I can do this" but could she?? Her fingers clenched and unclenched around the steering wheel with uncertainty, the action only proving to be surprisingly therapeutic for her.

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