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To celebrate their win, Lilliana and Daren along with their friends had regrouped back at the Barnette residence. They sat by the pool, and Tessa being her usual self had gone and brought out a bottle of wine from the family's wine cellar. Out of all four of them, Lilliana had only two glasses of the fruity yet slightly bitter red liquid but they were enough to get her drunk like she had actually drunk the entire bottle… thanks to her low tolerance of alcohol. She was a blubbering mess and stumbled all over the furniture.

Standing at the door, Lilliana said “See you tomorrow” waving a goodbye at her friends and waited until their car was out of sight before walking back inside the house. She went into the living room and got her phone from the coffee table. She dialled her father's number and put the phone over her ear as it rang, waiting for him to pick up.

“Hey princess” the man picked up after the third ring, sounding out of breath.

“Hey dad, we won the competition”

“Of course you won, I knew you would after all you're your mother's daughter. I wish i was there to celebrate with you” Jackson said, his words bringing tears to the girl's eyes.

“Thanks dad, what are you doing by the way??”

“Just running down the street to get some steam off, I've been stressed lately” his words are followed by two loud bangs in the background, causing the girl's eyebrows to furrow together in worry.

“What was that??” She asked.

“Nothing, just a car crash… I gotta go now princess. Love you” he said and hung up the call just as the girl said “Love you too” moving her phone from her ear, she looked at the now dark screen sad.

“Lilly” she looked up and saw Damon standing not far from her “... are you okay??” He asked worriedly and sat down next to her. She nodded, putting her phone back on the coffee table but the lone tear rolling down her left cheek betrayed her.

“Little flower, what's wrong… you're crying" Damon said. She frowned, touching her cheek with her fingers and looking at them… they were wet confirming Damon's words. She tried to get up to get away but the man stopped her, grabbing her hand and turned her face toward him. He cupped her cheek with his hand and wiped the tear stain away with his thumb.

Closing her eyes, the girl leaned in to his gentle touch and bit her lip… reminded of her feelings for the man. Slowly opening them back up, she stared into the man's blue ones and wondered "Why couldn't I be your age??"

"What??" Damon asked, frowning at her in confusion. She had unknowingly said the question out loud.

She frowned at first, surprised that he heard her but decided to continue " ...then you’d see me as all the women you have sex with, maybe then you'd want me as much as I want you" the alcohol was making her strangely confident.

"You're drunk Lilly, go to sleep"

"Maybe, but I know how I feel and I know what I want. You can't see that because you don't want me and why should you?? I mean I'm not even close to being your type"

Damon's eyes shone with new interest at the mentioning of his type in women "And what is my type??" He asked.

"Not me obviously… '' she said, getting up to her feet to stand in front of him and continued " ...I mean look at me" Damon's jaw clenched tight, he was looking. The yellow two-piece swimsuit she had on looked good on her pale skin and so sexy around her curves. It was the first thing he noticed when he walked in the living room.

" ...I'm not thin or tall or have a tiny waist. I've got a fat ass, blame my mother for that and yeah my breasts are big but not big enough seeing as you don't look at them" she complained to the man, stating all the things she was most insecure about and touching every part of her body that she mentioned.

" ...and finally my hair" Damon scowled at that.

"What's wrong with your hair??"

"It's not blonde," she said with a pout.

Chuckling softly, the man shook his head and said "Well there's a lot of misconception in everything you just said"

Lilliana frowned at him and asked "there is??" Full of doubt, the pout on her lips deepening. Damon hummed in response, fighting the temptation to just wrap his hand around her neck to pull her to him and kiss her.

"First of all, I like my girls small ...the shorter the better. Secondly, your breasts are annoyingly perfect and I love your ass. " His words were like a warm spark, they lit up a smile on Lilliana's face.

"Really??" She asked, spinning around in front of him to show her ass to him and tripped. She fell on his lap due to her drunkenness but instead of getting up, she made herself more comfortable on his lap with each leg on either side of the man in a straddling position.

Sitting upright, she pushed her hair back from her face with both of her hands and said "I like your lips" Damon raised an eyebrow at her sudden confession but didn't stop her as she reached up her hand to touch his face and continued " ...they're so full and look tasty, can I kiss them??" She asked, rubbing her thumb along his lower lip.

"Lilly, you know we can't..."

"Just once, just a peck and I'll go to sleep" Damon knew this was just a lie to get him to agree but allowed it.

"Promise??" He asked, his voice had taken an unusually lower and deeper tone.

Lilliana nodded, leaning closer to his face "promise" she mumbled against his lips before pressing hers atop them and kissed him. Damon's mouth opened allowing her access to taste him and let out a groan when their tongues collided. The kiss was more than he expected… good, very good for his first kiss with a drunk girl who happened to be his best friend's daughter. Her lips felt perfect on his, so much that he just couldn't let go. He wrapped his hand around the girl's neck, pulling her closer when she tried to pull back and deepened the kiss. The two of them moaning when once again their tongues collided… fighting for domination, a war Lilliana gladly lost.

Straddling Damon, she could feel his member hardening beneath his clothes and slowly rocked her hips back and forth. The man groaned, gripping her hips to stop her and pulled back from their passionate kiss "We need to stop" he rasped, the girl shook her head disagreeing with him and leaned forward to kiss him again but he avoided her lips… turning his head sideways for the girl to kiss his cheek instead.

"Lilliana enough, we can't" he said, hesitantly the girl got off his lap and fixed her hair. The tension in the room turned into frustration.

"Goodnight Damon" she said before stumbling out of the living room and up the stairs to her bedroom

"Fuck" Damon cursed, watching her leave. What had just happened?? What did he let happen?? How was he going to face his best friend now and most importantly how was he going to act when he saw Lilliana in the morning?? They were doing so fine before the kiss, pretending not to care for each other was easier then but now…

Damon groaned, sucking his lower lip into his mouth and pulled at his hair before getting up. He rushed up the stairs to his bedroom, taking two steps at a time. He needed to get rid of the tent in his pants and was just about to open the door when he heard what he thought was a moan coming from inside Lilliana's bedroom. He turned around and slowly approached the girl's slightly open door.

Wrapping his hand around the doorknob, he froze for a second when he heard another moan… his name this time. His already hard member twitched in interest and against his better judgement, he pushed the door open… curious to confirm his suspicion. He did, as he took a step inside the room to Lilliana laid back on her bed. Her legs were open with one hiked up and her hand between her quivering thighs… fingers deep in her dripping hole, that much he could tell by the slippery wet sounds made by her fingers every time they went in and out of her.

The man watched with hungry eyes as her toes curled back, digging into the sheets. She quickened her hand, bringing the other one down to join in on the pleasurable torture and play with her nub. Her head fell back and lips parted to form a small ‘o’ in a silent scream as she came. Her fingers didn't stop their caress on her stimulated regions until she couldn't take it anymore and opened her eyes. She gasped at the intruder and let out a shaky “Damon''

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