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On his friend's humble request, Damon walked out of one of his hotels after yet another meeting toward his car with his phone over his ear, ready to go pick up Lilliana from school "I don't care, don't contact me again unless you know something useful about those Russians" he growled at one of his men on the other side of the line before disconnecting their call and jumped in the driver's seat of his car. Pushing on the start button the car's ignition roared back to life, he drove out of driveway to Roseville High straight from his office.

He pulled up outside the school gates in yet another expensive sports car at exactly 15:30 in the afternoon, thirty minutes after the school bell had long ran releasing the learners to go back to their respective homes, the parking lot was full of leaners and all of them couldn't help but turn around at the sight of the man, the girls who recognized him from Vogue's recent magazine issue even took out their phones to click a few photos as he looked around the yard for Lilliana but she was nowhere to be seen and so was her friend.

Leaning against his car he reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone, dialing his bestfriend's number he placed the phone over his ear and waited for him to accept the call "what happened??" Came Jackson's worried voice after three rings, Damon rolled his eyes and grumbled "I'm unable to locate Lilly, where is she??"

"What do you mean locate her?? You're not there to kill her but to pick her up.." Jackson stopped took a deep breath in before continuing "...and besides, you went there early.....she's still rehearsing"


"The ice rink right across her school" Damon ended the call as soon as he found out the girl's whereabouts and immediately made his way across the street, walking through the doors he was met by Oscar "how may I help you??" The old man enquired, he had never seen the man at the Ice rink before

"I'm looking for a girl named Lilliana" Damon notified and a smile spread across Oscar's wrinkled face at the mentioning of the girl's name "Oh Liana is still in the rink, go through those doors" he said pointing in the direction of another glass door, nodding his head Damon made his way in the direction, music could be heard playing inside as he pushed the door open and from a distance he could see Lilliana on the ice with her partner, he soundlessly walked to the seats outside the rink and sat down to watch. He waited until the rehearsal was over and got up his seat just as a frowning Lilliana skated toward the rink's exit, she waved at him and said "I'll be right back" before walking away toward the locker rooms with Cameron, their coach turned to see whom she was talking to and smiled at the many other women mesmerized by his handsome face and well built physique as he stood there still in his formal clothes with his jacket open.

She secretly fixed her hair and checked her teeth on the screen of her phone before making her way toward Damon "hello, I'm Jasmin Bassett...Lilliana and Cameron's dance coach and you must be??" She introduced herself holding out her manicured hand for Damon's, accepting her her hand the man said "I'm Damon....Damon Michaelson, I'm her father's friend" for some unknown reason he never liked telling the world that he was Lilliana's supposed uncle

"Oh, I um I saw you watching....she's very talented" Mrs Bassett said trying to start a conversation but the man showed little to no interest, nodding his head he took out a pack of cigarettes and pulled out one sticking it between his lips before taking out his lighter and lit it, he took a deep breath in of the toxic smoke and held it in his mouth for a few second before exhaling it and walked away from the woman to wait outside the building for the girl

Lilliana walked out the locker rooms minutes later back in her school uniform and looked around the rink for Damon before walking to her coach "where did he go??" She asked, the woman pointed at the glass doors with discontent getting her things and left, finding her behavior odd, what happened to her?? Lilliana wondered but didn't give it much thought as she didn't want to keep Damon waiting any longer, hugging cameron goodbye she rushed out of the Ice rink

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