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It had been two days since Lilliana last saw Damon....two days since he touched the girl and then rejected her and yet she still couldn't forget his harsh words, he regretted what happened between them....said it was a mistake he'd never repeat and he was right or at least the girl had been trying to convince herself that he was for the past two days locked up in her room alone, that this was what the two of them needed to cope with their situation, at least Damon had the decency to keep the matter to himself or else the girl would've surely been grounded for life or worse....disowned by her father.

She sat alone in her room, by the window with the curtains open and the big round moon shinning down on her through the glass giving her skin a glittering luster, its bright light serving as the only light in the dark silent room as she read her new favorite novel sitting on her window seat, she had her legs hiked up to her chest and a velvet silver grey cushion nestled over her lap holding her book, her eyes ran over the creame pages silently reading the words written in black ink, her reading glasses carelessly resting atop the fine bridge of her nose with a couple of loose strands of hair falling down on either side of her face.

Suddenly, a loud banging sound of what could only be described as a door being slammed shut came from downstairs forcing the girl to look up from the white pages of her book and turn her head toward her window, staring into the darkness she managed to see her father's car parked in their driveway, she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and, slowly lowering her strained legs from the seat moved the cushion from her lap and placed it on the empty space next to her along with the novel, and with both of her hands pushed her long copper red hair back tying it into a messy bun before taking off her reading glasses and carefully placed them back in their case, suppressing a yawn she rubbed her thumb and index finger over her eyelids to ease the ache from reading too long and walked toward her bedroom door finally having decided it was time she added something in her empty stomach....her stomach grambled embarrassingly in agreement as she stepped onto the empty dimly lit hallway, looking down at her feet hidden in her white fuzzy socks she bent over to pull them over her ankles before looking herself in the mirror on the wall behind her and shrugged continuing down the hallway to the kitchen but stopped half way down the staircase when instead of her father as expected she saw Damon walking out of their kitchen with a bottle of beer in his left hand while the other struggled to take off his jacket.

She took one step back then the other praying he doesn't turn around and notice her, almost at the top she took a sharp turn and was about to run toward her room when her leg bumped into a corner of a table just around the corner knocking over the decorating vase on it "shit" she cursed catching it in the nick of time before it shattered into pieces on the floor and let out a sigh putting it back on the table but the noise was enough to announce her presence to Damon

"Lilly!!" The man called making the girl let out a groan at her bad luck before walking out to meet him "...what are you doing??" He tiredly asked standing at the bottom of the stairs and looked up at her with a frown on his face "it's nothing, just bumped into the table" Lilliana explained with a small shrug of her shoulders and turned around ready to leave but Damon stopped her "where are you going??" Slowly turning back around to face him, the girl said "back to my room??" with her thumb pointing in the direction "why?? Weren't you coming down just now??" Damon said making it known that he had noticed her earlier

Trying not to roll her eyes, Lilliana said "it's chilly, I was going to get my hoodie" lying through her teeth....it wasn't, the temperature outside could boil fishes out of the sea and the house was slightly warm despite the air conditioners, her words turned Damon's focus on to her body and the room suddenly shrank as he took her in, his eyes turning a darker shade of their original color at what she was wearing......her favorite summer pajama set that he bought for her last summer, her body had changed a lot since then.....it outgrew the once loose material, it was now smaller.....tighter around her feminine curves than before, her breasts were now bigger and fuller pulling the tanktop up a little in the front, her ass cheeks were rounder and thighs thicker forcing the little shorts high up, so much that they looked more like bikini bottoms than shorts. The man bit the insides of his cheeks to stop a groan as his eyes on their own accord wondered up her legs to her exposed thighs then to her bellybutton decorated with a butterfly piercing covered in rhinestones, when did she get her belly pierced?? he wondered for a short second and then smirked at yet another small revelation about the girl before finally stopping on her exposed cleavage, he could feel his entire body heating up by just staring at her.

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