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An hour later, and a Maclaren Mercedes SLR pulled up outside Roseville High school grabbing the attention of all the leaners and some of teachers loitering in the school's parking lot, Lilliana unbuckled her safety belt and turned to the man "Thank you" she said with a sweet smile on her face but the man only nodded looking down at his phone, letting out a deep sigh she turned to door, hooking two fingers around the small car-door handle she gently pulled and then pushed the passenger door open, then grabbed her backpack from the floor next to her feet and stepped out of the car closing the door behind her.

She stepped aside onto the pavement and watched the man drive off in his car before making her way across the lawn toward the parking lot to meet her friend, and from a distance, a girl wearing the same school uniform as Lilliana could be seen standing next to a yellow mini-cooper with her backpack on the paved ground next to her feet, it was Lilliana's bestfriend Tessa, the two girls had known each other since childhood and like the girl, Tessa also was from a rich family. As she got closer Tessa bent over to get her backpack from the paved ground and started walking toward her to meet her halfway, the two friends embraced each other in a warm greeting like they did every morning before gently stepping back

Tessa frowned at the look on her friend's face and asked "Hey, what's with that look?? Wasn't that...." she had seen her step out of the sports car earlier and could've sworn the car was Damon Arnold Michaelson's but why was her friend not happy??

"Damon?? Yeah it was" Lilliana cut her off, pulling at the straps of her backpack "is he still..." the girl nodded before Tessa even finished her sentence, well aware of what she was about to ask making her let out an exasperated sigh "I don't get it, why is he behaving like this?? What changed??" Her guess as good as Lilliana's, what DID change?? That was the one question she yearned to hear the answer to from the man himself but knew he wouldn't give even if she were to beg him "Let's go" she said, and the two made their way toward the school's building's entrance

"I can't believe you ditched me for nothing" Tessa grumbled walking beside the girl, and sadly....neither could Lilliana, what did she expect anyway?? She really needed to start differentiating her reality from her fantasies, Damon was not only her father's bestfriend but her uncle too, atleast that's how her father saw him as and that's how the man behaved. Noticing the disappointment in the girl's face Tessa quickly changed the subject into a lighter one and said "anyway forget all that and tell did he look??" Instictively a shy smile tugged at the corners of Lilliana's lips when she thought back at the man's appearance, trying to revive the beautiful picture he mind took of the man earlier and started "handsome..." as they walked through the double glass doors into the crowded hallway buzzing with the learners morning chatter "....he was wearing a black three piece tailored Armani suit, his hair has grown longer and he shaved almost all of his beard leaving only a stubble.." she added, her face and voice noticeably dreamish as she gave her friend a clear description of Damon from their recent meeting.

"Aww, look at you daydreaming about your hot crush" Tessa teased when they stopped infront of their lockers, that were located next to each other.....of course they weren't always like that, the locker next to Lilliana's used to belong to a boy from their school's basketball team but after some convincing and bribery he finally curved and agreed to make the switch with Tessa but not before asking her to do his homework for that entire month of course. Lilliana rolled her eyes unlocking her locker and pulled out the necessary books for her upcoming first three classes and shoved them inside her backpack, dreaming was saying too much......dreams came true if one worked hard enough on them, what she was doing could only be called wishful thinking because outside her head.....Damon was never going to see her as more than his bestfriend's daughter and that was a fact she forced herself to accept everyday he provoked any sexual feelings in her, after all.....he did kinda raise her

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