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On the second floor, in Tessa's bedroom the girl's sat face to face on her bed as Lilliana cried her heart out "...I never want to see him again" she said finishing her story and looked down at the crumpled cushion on her lap decorated in wet dark spots from her tears, she had just told her bestfriend everything about what had happened between her and her father's bestfriend two days ago, from how he touched her the night of her birthday all the way down to his blunt rejection in the evening the next day, not leaving out their recent exchange......the jealousy evident in her tone when she spoke of Caitlin making it obvious even to the deaf juat how much she desliked the woman, and even when telling the story she still couldn't understant why he did what he did two days ago if he knew it was a mistake....one he would regret doing later on "so what....your plan is to stay locked up in your room everytime he's at your house??" Tessa asked scowling disapprovingly at the girl, she now understood why her friend had been moody these past two days but still felt she was giving too much importance to a silly crush

"you don't understand" Lilliana grumbled leaving her bed and walked to the girl's window with her shoulders slouched forward in defeat, at this point she was willing to do anything as long as it meant staying far away from Damon, she feared her reaction the next time she saw or heard him with another woman, after all the days might have gone by but not her feelings....they seemed to intensify with each passing day like the saying "distance strengthens the love between two people" the more she tried to respect his boundaries and stay away from him the more she longed for his attention

"then make me understand" Tessa said almost yelling out at the girl in frustration, Lilliana let out a sigh slumping down on the window seat and looked down at the lantern lit garden of flowers outside the window just below the room, her eyes stopping on a bush of red roses...they were her mother's favorite flowers, and after her mother's death looking at them always seemed to fill her body with a sense of calmness but at that moment she frowned confused when she grew even more agitated by a second.

Seeing her normaly chatty friend that lost Tessa sighed getting up from her laying position and slowly approached the girl, sitting next to her "Liana" she called out softly to get her attention and placed her hand over her shoulder gently squeezing it in compassion, even though she hated when women got depressed over men she understood her bestfriend and knew she needed her the most at that time

"..come here" she mumbled gently turning the girl toward herself and pulled her closer to her chest for a hug, one Lilliana gladly accepted, eargerly wrapping her arms around her friend and began to cry "why is he like this??" She asked no one in particular as Tessa silently patted her back in a comforting manner "...I love him and he's just...." she cut her sentence short and closed her eyes unable to say the words "your father's playboy bestfriend" Tessa said completing it for her instead, the words holding no difference to the words of rejection.....I don't love you, the girl slowly nodded her head chocking on her sobs as more tears streamed down her face wetting her friend's shoulder, why couldn't Damon be just a partner in her father's business?? Maybe then being with him wouldn't be so hard, the thought made her cry more in disgust as the feeling of guilt slowly made its way through her shaking body...she was sexual with a man she was to refer to as her uncle, a man twice her age, her father would kill her if the piece of information reached his ears. She felt sad, angry even that the man she wanted wanted nothing to do with her but more than that ashamed....ashamed of herself for letting him go that far, if anything she should've stopped him instead of looking desperate infront of him, she was ashamed that even after his rejection and Caitlin Bathory's visit at her place she still longed for the man.

She cried for a few more minutes on Tessa's shoulder until there were no more tears to shed and gently pulled back from their hug sitting up straight "everything is going to be okay Liana" Tessa comforted gently wiping the tears off her rosy cheeks with the pads of her thumbs "...who is Damon Michaelson anyway??" Lilliana opened her mouth to answer but "....that's a rhetorical question Liana" Tessa quickly added silencing her before continuing "...Youre the kindest and most loving person i know on this planet....i mean your only bad habit is reading too much, any man who doesn't want you is an idiot, so what you're gonna do is stop being this pathetic over a man who's busy living his life to notice your love for him and get back to your senses so we can go get something to eat because I'm fucking hungry" the girl let out a soft chuckle at her friend's harsh but honest words and nodded in agreement, Tessa was right......if Damon Michaelson was going to live his life why couldn't she?? she was gonna follow her bestfriend's advice and live her life even if that meant ignoring her feelings and doing things she normally wouldn't do.

Tessa smiled widely and, taking Lilliana's hand in hers yanked the girl up to her feet and pulled her out into the empty dimly lit hallway, giggling they made their way down the long staircase to the kitchen downstairs, flicking the lights on Lilliana asked "so what are we having for dinner??" sitting in one of the kitchen stools and watched her friend as she opened door after door searching the kitchen cabinets for something edible and quick to prepare "pizza??" Finally Tessa suggested giving up her search and turned to her bestfriend, Lilliana reached in the pocket of her hoodie and pulled out her smartphone, and logging into the pizza app placed an order before grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl in the middle of the kitchen counter and proceeded to eat it, mean while Tessa opted on making milkshakes for the two of them to pass the time while they waited.

DING DONG!! The door bell rang a few minutes later "I'll get it" Lilliana said jumping off her seat and jogged to the door, getting on her tiptoes she peeked through the peep hole and yelled to her friend "it's the pizza delivery" before opening the door and waved a small shy hello to the boy standing outside the door, he seemed to be the same age as her if not a little bit older and had on the pizza parlor's uniform which included a red t-shirt, red cap and black pants with the parlor's name and symbol on them.

"The money is in my bag" Tessa yelled back, the girl walked to the backpack hanging by the door and reached in her hand to get the money from inside its front pocket before going back to the boy "thank you" she said giving him the money before taking the two large boxes of pizza and kicked the door close, she walked to the living room and placed the pizza on the coffee table and put a movie on the TV before dropping a cushion on the carpeted floor to sit on, Tessa walked out of the kitchen with their milkshakes and placed them on the table before slumping down next to the girl, Lilliana mumbled a small thank you dragging one of the milkshakes toward herself and opened the first box, keeping their eyes on the tv screen they started eating.

30 minutes passed and suddenly, a light flashed in Lilliana's head, dropping the slice of pizza in her hand she turned to her friend and made a suggestion "how about we go to a club??" with a cheeky smile on her face, The sudden suggestion coming off as a surprise to Tessa, she choked on her drink....she never thought there would be a day when her nerdy friend would propose going out to after the sun had gone down let alone to a club, but otherwise the words were music to her ears, wiping her lips clean with the back of her hand she cheered "now that's my bestfriend" bearing the same smile as Lilliana's on her face, they quickly cleared the coffee table and put the left over pizza in the oven for the next day before going back to the Tessa's bedroom. putting her hair up in a messy bun Lilliana borrowed one of her friend's night out dresses from her closet before going into the guest room next to Tessa's room, and placed everything on the king-sized bed in the middle of the room before walking inside the joint bathroom to get ready while her friend got ready in her room

She joined Tessa a couple of minutes later ready in the dress that proofed to be a little tighter on her than it usually was on its owner thanks to her curves, she and Tessa were the same size except she had more of her breasts and ass "I need a pair of shoes" she said standing barefoot infront of the mirror to style her hair, Tessa disappeared inside her walk-in closet and walked out a second later with two pairs of heels "choose from these two" she told the girl putting them on her bed before sitting down to put on her shoes, looking away from the mirror Lilliana let out a painful groan at her options and chose the ones she thought were not too high, stepping into them one foot at a time she stood up and span infront of the mirror for a final look basking in her new height that the shoes gave her before grabbing her phone, she and Tessa made their way out of the house to meet their cab driver downstairs, they had decided to take a cap incase they were both too drunk to drive when the night was over "hey" they both said to the driver in unison and sat in the backseat of the cab, with a subtle nod of acknowledgement the driver drove them to their designated destination.

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