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Damon waited until he was sure that Lilliana was fast asleep before going into his bedroom. He changed his clothes, put on something less restricting and grabbed his car keys before jogging down the stairs to the front door. He got in his car and drove out of the residence, leaving behind twelve men to guard the girl. Two men patrolled inside the house, keeping a close eye on Lilliana's bedroom while the rest of the men patrolled outside the mansion, heavily armed and ready to shoot on suspicion.

He drove to the eastern warehouse, where the man he tortured was still being held captive. He needed to have a quick chat with the idiot he allowed to live the last time he was there. Pulling up outside the seemingly abandoned building, he jumped out of his car and rushed inside. His men bowed in respect when he walked past them but he hardly noticed, engulfed in the flames of his own anger. Sensing this, some of his men instinctively moved out of the way when they saw him approaching.

"Open the door" he ordered, walking toward the torture room. The man guarding it nodded before doing as he was ordered. Damon walked in the dimly lit room and gestured for his man to close the door behind him to be alone with the enemy. He still sat on the wooden chair, bound in fresh ropes. The air around him smelled like puke, sweat, urine and faeces but mostly blood... his blood was on every corner and nook of the room, on the wall and some of the torturing devices. Though damon asked his men to keep him alive, he hadn't asked them to lessen the torture and so they didn't let him recuperate... he was even missing half of his right leg and an entire arm.

Smirking, Damon approached the battered man and stopped a couple of feet in front of him. Taking off his jacket, he scanned his body... Some of his wounds were slowly closing as his body tried to mend itself and he couldn't wait to reopen them. Gaining back his consciousness, the man's eyes slowly fluttered open and the first thing he saw was Damon's steel toe leather shoes and he understood he hadn't died yet. He moved his head back a little to see the owner of the shoes, his eyes widening when they met with Damon's deadly ones. If he could... he would've ran but sadly, let alone running... he couldn't even breathe properly without hurting himself.

"By the look in your eyes, I'd say you already know why I'm here" Damon started, walking to the steel table by the wall and threw his jacket to hang on the hook over it before grabbing his knife... the only clean tool on the table, only he used it. He turned around and smiled, flashing his blade at the man. The man's body shuddered as a memory of his encounter with the sharp object resurfaced.

"Your boss made a bad move, you see..." Damon started, shamelessly examining the blade in his hand as he walked back toward him.

" ...hijacking my trucks, stealing my cocaine and killing my men is nothing compared to threatening my girl's life" He added. He was so mad, he didn’t even realise just how careless he had become with his words. The man's eyes grew even wider in fear, his girl?? The idiots went that far‽‽ he cussed in his head, regretting every decision he had ever made before he was captured. No one had mentioned that part of the plan to him or else he wouldn't have been that involved. He closed his eyes for a second and took a couple of deep breaths in to calm his rapid heart beating in his rib cage about to jump out. If he thought the odds were 50/50 last time, he knew this time around he was definitely going to be dead by the time Damon left the room.

"You're gonna tell me everything i want to know '' Damon was no longer asking... no, he had done that in the past and what did it get him?? Men like him always needed motivation to do something and death had to be it for the man in front of Damon because his head couldn't stop bobbing up and down in agreement. He'd rather die a quick death than endure another torture now that he knew what was at stake. He didn't know the woman Damon was talking about but his reaction to her life being threatened was enough for him to understand just how far the man was willing to go to get what he came there for.

"I'll tell you everything I know, '' he said. Damon clicked his tongue... a little disappointed by his quick surrender. He had hoped he'd be as stubborn as he was before so that he could vent out all of his pent up anger on him. He grabbed a chair, placed it in front of the man and sat down with the blade still in his hand... a reminder to the battered man of what awaits him if he tried to play Damon.

Swallowing hard, the man nervously asked "What do you want to know??"

"Everything, starting with your boss's identity" Damon said, twirling the sharp blade in his hand.

The man shook his head "I don't know his true identity... " Damon caught his knife and leaned forward, forcing the man to retreat a little and hurriedly add " one has ever seen him without a mask, I only know his right hand man's identity" that calmed Damon down a little. He reclined back in his seat and let him continue. The man let out a sigh of relief.

" ...he calls himself Rocco, he's the one making sure the boss's orders are followed as per given instructions" Damon slowly nodded his head for him to go deeper. He was gonna kill each one of the Russians one by one until he reached the tip of the pyramid where the boss lived comfortably in hiding.

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