lunch chat

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It's lunch period at school cafeteria with everyone sitting in their table eating or talking each other, as Whitney warmheart got her lunch from lunch line to finding a table to sit down but it's full until she noticed a voice right side of cafeteria, "hey Whitney." She turned her head to the right see daring do and her friends sitting at their personal table with vinyl scratch who waving her hand side by side, then she walk toward their table and begins sitting down right next to vinyl scratch, juniper montage, and sassy saddlee to place her lunch tray on table.

Daring: "so how's second day of school, Whitney."

Whitney: "little bit good because I got trouble with French from French class about writing vocabulary in French."

Vignette: "get you use it sometimes, sweeties."

Sassy eating small bit of fruit salad then swallow through the throat to ask Whitney a question, "dearie, what kind of hobbies do you like?" Whitney replied, "I like do yoga in every Saturday for stress and relaxation." Sassy replied, "wonderful dearie, there's yoga studio in town that we can do yoga together on Saturday at 11:15 am." Whitney replied, "sound good to me, sassy. Besides I'm very flexible." Juniper surprise about Whitney is very flexible doing yoga in beautiful body to kept staring at her without looking Whitney's e-cup breasts lifted up inside school uniform as she tell them about her second hobby, "my second hobby is Parkour."

Vinyl cough up bit by small amount of soda about hearing from Whitney second hobby is Parkour and said, "you did Parkour, dudette?" Whitney replied, "yup in the age of six at my hometown to bounce off from small building doing front flip and landing on the ground with both feet touched it."

Sassy: "umm, that's wonderful I guess."

Vinyl: "not bad dudette."

Daring: "noice."

Juniper: "(thought) I'm totally fall in love with her right now."

Section 27 main lobby with captain Yvonne talking to two staffs for a moment until they stop talking to hear a familiar with western accent, "howdy there partner." They face toward to see second deputy Levi Ackerman from aot universe ten: western au with a warm smile on his face.

Standing right front of them at six feet away and begins to speak again, "I want to join your gang as this wild tera pokemon catcher

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Standing right front of them at six feet away and begins to speak again, "I want to join your gang as this wild tera pokemon catcher." Captain Yvonne replied, "of course deputy Ackerman, welcome to section 27. Anyway have you seen wild tera pokemon or wild rampage pokemon before at your universe." Deputy Ackerman replied, "nope ma'am, ah never did to seen wild rampage pokemon or wild tera pokemon, ah reckon." One of staff said to him in kindness, "don't worry you will deputy."

[New chapter is out for today]

canterlot high chronicles vol. 1 new adventures began Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora