debut of rampage phenomenon

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Equestria girls/mlp alternative universe three: it's the end of the world as we know it edition

Equestria girls/mlp alternative universe three: it's the end of the world as we know it edition

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Human realm

On Saturday March 21st, 2013 in canterlot city, California at 11:15 am

Canterlot high school soccer field with everyone from chs and crystal prep sitting in the bleachers waiting for soccer game start in two minutes when from wondercolt side with flash sentry, normal norman, and brawly beats sitting in first bleacher at first row noticed something from the distance outside of soccer field to the street look like charmander jump over the fence toward the field but he got strange dark aura with glowing yellow eyes and stop middle of the soccer field begins staring at everyone for a moment until he growing in camerput sizes, his primarily orange body turned into primarily white body with sharp icicle small fangs visible in the upper jaw only. A blue flame at tip of the tail. He got icy glowing eyes. He's ice type pokemon.

Neon light: "woah!"

Then suddenly a portal show up behind wondercolt side in seven feet away behind the crowd begins open up to reveal section 33 Northeast corridor with phantom pyroar, Chloe cerise from pokemon alternate world number one in section 33 jumpsuit with blue stripes in both sides and pokebelt around Beltoop, nifa, don patch, twilight sparkle in section 27 jumpsuit with dark purple stripes in both sides and pokebelt around Beltoop, and mikasa Ackerman come out from the portal to field bit for the portal closed it after that.

Phantom pyroar: "what the heck!"

Chloe: "it just me or I'm seeing charmander is big like camerput right now."

Twilight: "yer seeing it right now sugarcube, ah believe it's new phenomenon like Terastal and gigantamax."

Phantom pyroar: "your right twi."

Chloe: "we should battle it for me captured it."

Mikasa: "you got it rookie."

The trio pulled out pokeball in their hands begins throwing in the air to call out their pokemon.

Chloe: "archuldon, come out!"

Mikasa: "go, biserrate!"

Twilight: "it's showtime, luxio!"

They come out their pokeball to outside close each other in ten feet away having pokemon battle against charmander when from wondercolt side with misty brightdawn in 11th grade like flash sentry and others.

She rose up from the crowd shoutout at the group in kindness, "GOOD LUCK GUYS!" mikasa turn around at her for a second to give charming wink cause Misty start blushed begins sitting down next to zipp storm, izzy moonbow, and sunny starscout in sec...

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She rose up from the crowd shoutout at the group in kindness, "GOOD LUCK GUYS!" mikasa turn around at her for a second to give charming wink cause Misty start blushed begins sitting down next to zipp storm, izzy moonbow, and sunny starscout in second row when she look back at charmander.

Mikasa: "use pin missiles!"

He fire pin missiles straight to charmander with direct hit is super effective and halfway quarter damage when phantom pyroar use superhuman speed toward him begins transform into phantom pyroar went around charmander in right side really quick to deliver a scratch on right cheek make medium critical damage and went back to the group return back to his human form.

Carlos: "alright they doing it."

Marco: "you said it dude."

Twilight: "use thunderbolt!"

Chloe: "dark pulse!"

He jumped in the mid-air to see two attacks toward him quick when he use dragon tail to stop the attack and fired back with icy ember straight down to luxio.

Mikasa: "use X-scissor to stop icy ember!"

He slash the energy toward icy ember quick stop it with small explosion sound make everyone from both sides started clapping cheerfully for mikasa's magical creature save luxio.

Zipp: "smart move from her, right misty."

Misty crossed her arms underneath j-cup breasts with warm smile on her face to Applied back to zipp, "she's amazing with muscular arms make me turned on right now." Zipp and the rest is speechless what they hearing right now.

Nifa: "it's showtime, don."

Don: "you got it."

She grabbed him by the head begins scratch bit to give don patch with multiple bumps on top of each other that confused from the crowd with nifa turned around at shadowbolt side to point her finger at lemonade blues sitting next to Clayton Potter, double diamond, and garble in third row.

Double diamond: "she want you, dude."

Lemonade blue: "really."

Clayton: "yup."

He getting up begins walk down the bleachers toward the field with them and nifa said to him in kindness, "did you play baseball before, kiddo." He replied, "yup, since little league Baseball."

Nifa: "excellent."

They dress like baseball players standing between don patch and said it together, combined super fist! Bump the lumps from this chumps!" They spin like top really fast begins hitting the lumps with baseball bats at charmander with hit in the stomach is super effective and almost heavily critical damage caused charmander starting glowing again begins shrinking down into normal state became dizzy then zipp shoutout to Chloe in kindness, "DO IT NOW, DUDETTE!" Chloe pulled out pokeball quick begins throwing toward at him and captured with red beam went inside pokeball whom falling down on the grass gently and lock it after that.


Flash: "hahaha, that showing him who boss."

zipp: "way to go guys."

Same portal appear faced toward the group right next to wondercolt side in six feet away begins open up to reveal section 33 with captain duck and captain Ackerman come out from the portal toward them.

Nifa: "sir, ma'am. We got new phenomenon that never seen before for first time."

Captain Ackerman: "professor mystery mint will explain to us at section 33 briefing room and we need thinking about new occupation for that."

Captain duck: "indeed."

Phantom pyroar: "good thinking mikasa."

[New chapter is out for today]

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