iridia first wild tera pokemon battle

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Equestria girls/mlp alternative universe five: sparkling shimmer edition

Human realm in canterlot city, California on Saturday March 15, 2016 at 3:14 pm: the park

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Human realm in canterlot city, California on Saturday March 15, 2016 at 3:14 pm: the park

In right side of grassy fields with portal appear begins open up to reveal kitama Hokuryo high school Eastside corridor with captain Ackerman, erika nitori, iridia, chizuru ichinose, Asuka, and happy hogan come out from portal to outside with iridia walk away at right side of park from the group with discovery look to see several people walking in boardwalk in strange clothes what they wearing as she step in pavement begins walking pass by two people with funny look at the dress what she wearing but she too busy to see huge buildings from outside of park and accidentally bump into lemon zest from behind lightly

Iridia: "sorry."

She looked at iridia with forgiveness look and replied, "no problem at all, dudette." Iridia still confused what kind language that lemon zest saying 'dudette' when chizuru and the group show up walking towards the duo as chizuru place her hand on iridia's left bare shoulder blade with little bit worried and said, "don't run off like that iridia alright." She replied, "sorry my bad." Then Asukas' rotom phone flew from right coat pocket begins floating in mid-air that caught of surprise from iridia begins to speak with jake from state farm, "wild tera pokemon in front of you guys at seven feet away." They look forward to see glimmering barkindle with cold stare at them as rotom phone explain, "barkindle, the fire pup pokemon, and fire type: barkindle's body is very warm to hug, meaning kids and other pokemon love to snuggle up to it. When angry. It will heat up and its tail will burn hot."

Lemon zest: "yikes."

Terastal crystal rose up from the ground begins absorbed him in couple a second and broke into piece to reveal terastallzied barkindle with fire type tera shard crown of his head that spooked iridia bit while holding chizuru right arm for protection to feel the muscles when Erika and Asuka pull out pokeball begins toss it in the air to call out their pokeball.

Erika: "come out, eletize!"

Asuka: "let's go, brute bonnet!"

They come out from pokeball to outside facing terastallzied barkindle with several people watching as Erika call out the attack, "use shadow ball!"

Asuka: "bullet seeds!"

Terastallzied barkindle use ember to stop shadow ball and dodge to the left from bullet seeds when Asuka call out another attack for brute bonnet, "stun spore!" Brute bonnet scatters a cloud of numbing powder straight toward off-guard terastallzied barkindle quick who becomes paralyzed from that.

Lemon zest: "alright that's showing him who boss."

Erika: "use electro ball!"

Asuka: "dark pulse!"

Their attacks coming toward paralyzed terastallzied barkindle together with direct hit in the face with double damage caused terastal crystal shattered into pieces for returning paralyzed barkindle to normal with Erika pull out great ball in hand begins throwing toward paralyzed barkindle quick begins capture with red beam went inside pokeball whom falling down on the ground gently and started struggling in few minutes, then stop struggling begins lock up with sound that surprise iridia for odd pokeball made a sound to lock up instead a small firework come out on top with small explosion for capturing pokemon.

Happy hogan: "did you like it, iridia."

Iridia: "I sure did, sir."

Captain Ackerman: "excellent."

Meanwhile at equestria girls/mlp universe three in Human realm

Canterlot high school at 8:30 am

Vice Principal aria sitting in her desk doing paperwork for a moment.


She stop working to look up at the door with stern expression by someone standing outside of her office, "come in." Person open the door forward really wide for person entered the office revealed superintendent double diamond from equestria girls/mlp alternative universe six: why? A tale of anon-a-miss edition that surprise vice principal aria with coy grin and said, "ah, double diamond, you done thinking about in few months in your alternative universe for apple bloom enrolled blueberry academy in pokemon original universe what they did to ruin sunset shimmer life as anon-a-miss." He replied, "yes aria, her family and principal Luna agreed with me for doing that."

Vice principal aria: "good, she take a tour at blueberry academy probably tomorrow around at 9:15 am and meeting with staffs and students."

Double diamond: "sounds good aria."

[New chapter is out for today]

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