Chapter 196 - Oddity (1)

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You want to see Woojin? His eyes widened in shock and Choi Sung-gun quickly turned and moved back to the lodging. Does ‘Winner Movie Pictures’ know Woojin? Even so, he checked the living room sofa in the lodging. There were about two men visible. They were personnel from bw Entertainment, who had come over for the LA schedule.

Two employees, who seemed to have just woken up, greeted Choi Sung-gun, then noticed he was on a call and simply bowed their heads. Choi Sung-gun then picked up a chair from the kitchen, placed it in front of them, and sat down, switching his phone to speaker mode. The reason was simple. One of them was an interpreter from the bw Entertainment’s overseas team. Of course, Choi Sung-gun could communicate to some extent, but he wasn’t professional.

It was a precautionary measure.

Then, Choi Sung-gun signaled the situation to the interpreter with a glance and spoke into the phone placed on the table. Naturally, it was in English.

“I’m sorry, please continue.”

“Yes. I am Megan Stone, a casting director at ‘Winner Movie Pictures’. Currently, I am working on a project called ‘Last Kill 3’ for Director George Mendes.”

Choi Sung-gun, who had understood somewhat, listened as the interpreter whispered the explanation into his ear.

“‘Last Kill 3’??”

It was the movie he had thought of earlier. Even director George Mendes was famous enough to be familiar with the name. Choi Sung-gun, who was gradually getting excited, tried hard to suppress his feelings.

“Ah- Yes, I see.”

“Actually, Director George Mendes has seen Actor Kang Woojin before. He is interested. Is Kang Woojin in LA right now?”

Choi Sung-gun realized the seriousness of the matter when he heard they knew Woojin was in the United States, and nodded.

“…That’s right. He is currently near Hermosa Beach.”

Upon mentioning Hermosa Beach, a slight laugh mixed into the woman’s voice on the other end of the phone.

“Oh, Hermosa Beach. It’s a beautiful place, and it’s close to where I am. If it’s possible, could I meet Actor Kang Woojin?”

“Is this a meeting request related to ‘Last Kill 3’?”

“Yes. I can’t give you the details, but we are currently looking for an Asian actor. Of course, the role requires martial arts skills, and I saw Kang Woojin’s videos on Youtube. The way he subdued the thug was impressive?”


“The director was impressed as well, and eventually, it led to the suggestion that Kang Woojin should also attend the already scheduled screen test.”

“…When is this screen test?”

“It’s in a few days, so it’s a bit tight. But since you are already in LA, and there’s no need to feel too pressured. We plan to see some martial arts skills, but what’s important is how the actor appears on the monitor.”

Having a chance to do a screen test in Hollywood was insane. Even Hollywood stars had to go through screen tests. And now, Kang Woojin, who was nobody in Hollywood, was being offered this. It was an enormous opportunity, to say the least.

‘Director George Mendes saw Woojin, and this lady CD saw Woojin’s dashcam video······’

It was clear that this situation had arisen from a series of events. Otherwise, such a thing could never happen. But right now, that wasn’t what was important.

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