Chapter 74 - Expansion (3)

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“That’s right! Director Shin Dong-chun!”

Just as she said it, the corners of Kim So-hyang’s lips curled up.

“Woojin’s debut work ‘Exorcism’ really took off with him as a rookie director. He had a pretty good track record with drama direction in the past. Anyone here seen ‘Exorcism’?”

“I’ve seen it. I went to the ‘Mise-en-scène Film Festival’ out of curiosity. ‘Exorcism’ was fantastic. It was the most entertaining short film.”

“How was its style? Do you think he could handle a drama again?”

“Yes. It actually felt like a mix of film and drama editing. The fast and slow pacing was amazing. And the sound, the audio techniques were brilliantly incorporated.”

Most of the team leaders in the meeting room nodded in agreement.

“With Director Shin Dong-chun on board, everything will be complete. We have a story as well, like a reunion between a previously unknown director and actor.”

“A reunion of the ‘Mise-en-scène Film Festival’ award-winning actor and director?”

Director Shin Dong-chun seemed perfect for the job, but there were concerns.

“But even if he seems perfect to us, would Director Shin Dong-chun take this on? I’d have to verify, but from what I guess, he’s probably busy with meetings after getting recognition at the ‘Mise-en-scène Film Festival’. Scripts would be pouring in, right?”

Would Director Shin Dong-chun take the lead? Of course, there’s actor Kang Woojin, but business is business. It was uncertain if Shin Dong-chun would lead while rising as a popular new director.

However, Kim So-hyang believed there was a high chance.

“It’s not like we’re handing him all the series, just the ‘Male friend’ part. If he’s already committed to another project, we’d pass, but if he’s still adjusting, it might work.”

Regardless, speed was crucial in getting him on board.

“When did the ‘Mise-en-scène Film Festival’ end?”

“Early May, last month.”

“So, after winning, he would’ve been busy with interviews for a week and meetings with production and film companies for another two weeks. The timing isn’t bad.”

Soon after, Kim So-hyang gave her orders.

“Find Director Shin Dong-chun’s contact immediately and get in touch. Make sure to emphasize our strong support when proposing the project. And subtly bring up Kang Woojin as well.”

The team leaders quickly stood up to get to work. Kim So-hyang murmured to herself,

“Heh- I think Director Shin Dong-chun might have already seen the news about Woojin starring in ‘Male friend’.”

Fast forward.

On Thursday, four days later, Kang Woojin finally had a day off. Or rather, he had to reschedule everything due to a personal matter.

“Ah- Time to leave.”

He was moving out. In other words, it was the day Kang Woojin left his studio apartment. It felt a bit rushed, but considering his skyrocketing fame, it was necessary. There was also some urging from Choi Sung-gun.


“I thought I’d spend at least my 20s here.”

Woojin, wearing a casual hoodie, slowly looked around the studio that had supported him all these years. Now, it was completely empty. Memories flooded in – like the times he passed out drunk or the day he first signed the lease., and so on.

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