Chapter 174 - Stranger (4)

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Chairman Hideki had a wrinkled smile while looking at Choi Sung-gun. However, the composure he showed was not aged. Despite being a veteran, he possessed the aura of a predator. Sitting in front of Chairman Hideki, Choi Sung-gun could keenly feel it.

‘…What is this man talking about??!’

It was initially unpredictable. Wasn’t it? It’s not a conglomerate from Korea, but a total surprise that a Japanese conglomerate head suddenly invests in bw Entertainment. Even Choi Sung-gun, who is quite flexible in thinking, couldn’t help being startled. He tried to think further, but it was impossible.

His thought process kept getting blocked.

Yes, in such cases, it’s best to buy some time. Choi Sung-gun first asked Chairman Hideki, who was sitting in the top seat of the 5-person sofa. This also included getting a clear answer.

“Investment. Did you say you personally want to invest? In our bw Entertainment?”

This question was passed to Chairman Hideki through an interpreter, and he slowly nodded his head while maintaining a smile.

“That’s what I said. Personally. In other words, not as the Kashiwa Group but on a personal level. I’m proposing to invest as an individual.”

In other words, it was Chairman Yoshimura Hideki’s unilateral decision. However, even though the words were passed on like this, the Kashiwa Group was Chairman Hideki’s. There was no way it was unrelated. Either way, Choi Sung-gun found it hard to digest.

‘First of all, the fact that he knows our bw Entertainment is aiming to expand is concerning. Why? Why does Chairman Hideki know about it?’

Chairman Hideki was seen for the first time today. If it weren’t for Kang Woojin’s ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’, there would never have been a chance to meet such a person from another world. How does Chairman Hideki know about the situation of bw Entertainment, which is like a small hole-in-the-wall store in Korea? No matter how much he thought about it, it didn’t make sense. If someone else heard it, they would dismiss it as nonsense.

But this nonsense was unfolding before his eyes.

Choi Sung-gun wanted to unearth the whole situation to understand it clearly, but asking Chairman Hideki for an elaborate explanation right away would only make him look like a fool. Choi Sung-gun gathered his wits as much as possible. The identity of the counterpart was clear, and the scent of opportunity was strong.


‘Smiling and accepting it here could become laughable.’

Choi Sung-gun kept his manners without lowering his posture too much. Greed was visible from Chairman Hideki.

“It’s a very grateful proposal. However, our bw Entertainment is currently in discussions with various investors in Korea.”

“I suppose so.”

“It’s difficult to make a hasty decision on the spot since we are contemplating.”

After hearing the interpretation, Chairman Hideki slowly nodded.

“Of course, I understand.”

“May I ask one thing? Honestly, it’s a bit of an absurd situation for me. I’m sorry, but why are you interested in our bw Entertainment?”

Chairman Hideki’s answer was quick, exuding confidence.

“It’s because of actor Kang Woojin.”

Is that so? Choi Sung-gun had somewhat guessed it but still posed another question.

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