Chapter 83 - Enhancement (4)

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Around the time the news was posted on the internet that Kang Woojin had joined Director Kwon Ki-taek’s next film as a main lead, Woojin, who was unaware of this, was in the middle of a meeting at Netflix Korea.

In a medium-sized meeting room, key figures related to ‘Male Friend’ had gathered.

Of course, there was Kang Woojin, and also the plump Executive Director Kim So-hyang, writer Choi Na-na, Hwalin, Director Shin Dong-chun, and team leaders from various Netflix departments. They had been exchanging greetings for several minutes; casual conversations ensued.

Meanwhile, Hwalin was fidgeting with the thin bracelet that Woojin had given her, sneaking glances at Woojin and Director Shin Dong-chun.

‘That director made ‘Exorcism’ with Woojin…’

To her, Director Shin Dong-chun seemed like a benefactor who introduced Kang Woojin to the world. Hence, as a fan, Hwalin’s fondness for the director had skyrocketed.

‘I must greet him properly after the meeting!’

After wrapping up the preliminary discussions, Executive Director Kim So-hyang, who had been talking to the team leaders, drew everyone’s attention.

“Now, from here on, Director Shin will take over.”

Director Shin Dong-chun, who had been looking down at his tablet, nodded slowly.

“Hmm, we should start with finalizing the production company.”

“Yes, but we’ve already narrowed it down to three choices, so it shouldn’t take long. After a brief meeting, you can decide based on the situation.”

After hearing the response, Director Shin Dong-chun turned his attention to the tense writer Choi Na-na.

“Miss Choi, can we have a brief script meeting after this?”

“Ah! Yes, yes!! That’s fine! I’ll do my best!”

“Haha, don’t be so stiff. Relax.”

“Yes! I’ll try my hardest to do that too!”

The meeting room erupted in laughter at writer Choi Na-na’s enthusiasm, and Executive Director Kim So-hyang changed the subject while showing her tablet to everyone.

“Although details will be shared gradually, let me give you the main points. This ‘Short Drama Project’ will begin with ‘Male Friend’ and release a new episode every two weeks. As ‘Male Friend’ is the starting point, we will put a lot of effort into everything, from promotion to production.”

She had many plans laid out.

“Additionally, we’ve discussed with Netflix Japan. While not the entire ‘Short Drama Project’, but initially, ‘Male Friend’ is set to launch on Netflix Japan.”

Launching on both Netflix Korea and Netflix Japan, Kang Woojin pretended to be calm, but he was quite surprised inside.

‘Wow- this is huge. It’ll be uploaded on Netflix Japan too? This is expanding big time!’

He hadn’t even thought about Netflix Japan. Netflix. Suddenly, the grade of the script crossed Woojin’s mind.

-[6/Script (Title: Male Friend), Grade A]

The elevated grade of ‘Male Friend’.

‘Is it A-grade because of Hwalin’s participation… or perhaps because of its connection to Japan?’

At that moment,

“Also, one more thing. Although Director Shin will ultimately decide, I believe it’s something you should be aware of beforehand.”

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