Chapter 167 - Breaking (6)

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The Bulldog, no, CEO Seo Gu-seob kept muttering to himself, 200 million, 300 million. His first encounter with Kang Woojin wasn’t exactly pleasant. With Kang Woojin’s appearance, he felt as though he had lost everything related to the ‘Mise-en-scène Film Festival’.

Of course, that was only how CEO Seo Gu-seob saw it.

Anyway, after that, Kang Woojin’s career skyrocketed to an extent that the word ‘insane’ seemed fitting, and all CEO Seo Gu-seob of GGO Entertainment could do was watch.

‘Honestly, it was always irritating since he appeared so frequently.’

Even after the ‘Mise-en-scène Film Festival’, issues related to Kang Woojin kept exploding one after another. Starting with Hanryang and recently even with Japan and ‘Drug Dealer’. CEO Seo Gu-seob was astounded, and as the head of the conglomerate GGO Entertainment, it was the first time he had seen an actor like Kang Woojin.

He was a businessman.

A person of such caliber leading a giant entertainment company in this jungle-like industry. So, naturally, he became greedy for Kang Woojin rather than wanting to attack him. But there was no opening.

The interesting part was,

‘A one-year contract? This changes the game.’

An unexpected opportunity had opened up. Bulldog Seo Gu-seob’s mind was filled with thoughts of swallowing Kang Woojin whole.

‘The signing bonus alone is 300 million. Plus separate additional bonuses. With this, we can catch his interest.’

The signing bonus for top actors hovered around 500 million to 1 billion. A 300 million signing bonus plus various bonuses was a corresponding offer. It was something newcomers couldn’t even dream of securing.

Then, CEO Seo Gu-seob met the gaze of the executives in front of him.

“Do you all understand?”


“About Kang Woojin. Looking at him from his debut to now, there’s nothing he’s touched that hasn’t succeeded.”

“Ah- now that you mention it.”

“He’s strangely lucky.”

CEO Seo Gu-seob, with a deepening smile, gave an order.

“Now that it’s blown up like this, from major to shitty entertainments, they’ll all rush towards Kang Woojin. This guy is different from ordinary actors, every path he takes has an explosive impact. So, make sure to grasp the trends of these entertainments.”

“Understood, CEO~nim!”

Greed and desire permeated the air.

“We must bring Kang Woojin over this time.”

At this moment, inside a white van speeding down the road.

Hwalin, who was on her way to the salon, was almost barefaced without makeup. Regardless, she was constantly looking down at her phone.

What she was looking at was Kang Woojin’s fan club ‘Kang’s Heart’.

-[Official/Kang Woojin’s official fan cafe ‘Kang’s Heart’ welcomes you!]

-Chief Manager: BloodSister.

Currently, ‘Kang’s Heart’ fan cafe was flooded with more posts than usual. The reason was simple.

‘Wow, what’s with the posts every second… Well, I was shocked too when I saw the article about Woojin’s one-year contract.’

Naturally, it was because of the recent articles about Kang Woojin. Normally, the expiration of a newcomer’s contract wouldn’t be big news, but when the subject is Kang Woojin, it was more than understandable, and Hwalin felt the same.

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