Chapter 17 - Plot twist (2)

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At Hong Hye-yeon’s answer, the CEO, paused at the shoe rack, covered his face with one hand. He looked very tired.

“Ah- geez. Suddenly I want a short one.”

Then, Hong Hye-yeon, with her arms crossed, grumbled a bit.

“Why? I mean, it’s just a slight craving, isn’t it? I didn’t say I’m going to do that short film, why are you overreacting?”

“······You’re the one overreacting. Hey, when you get a craving, you usually give in. Don’t I know you?”

Soon, the CEO roughly took off the shoe he was in the middle of taking off.

“Why would the lead actress of ‘Profiler Hanryang’ suddenly want a short film? I would understand if there weren’t many big scripts coming in. Huh? They’re coming in from medium to large by genre, why specifically a short film?”

He grumbled as he moved to sit on the living room sofa. The CEO’s reaction was not as strong as expected. Probably because he was used to Hong Hye-yeon’s sudden outbursts. Anyway, Hong Hye-yeon in her pajamas took a seat next to him, and the CEO let out a small sigh.

“Hold on a moment, let me sort things out.”

The CEO, Choi Sung-gun, who suddenly started to sort out his thoughts. He was the CEO of bw Entertainment, a startup company and the agency of top actress Hong Hye-yeon. He appeared to be in his late 30s with long hair tied back.

He wore glasses without frames, but there was a hint of playfulness in his demeanor.


Despite his overwhelmingly laid-back atmosphere, Choi Sung-gun had been in the entertainment industry for over 10 years and was quick-witted. Not only was he observant, but his handling of situations was also excellent.

Choi Sung-gun had a wide network due to his unique personality.

Hong Hye-yeon and Choi Sung-gun had been together since her debut, and it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that he made Hong Hye-yeon who she is today.

Their relationship was a well-known story in the entertainment industry.

Hong Hye-yeon recognized his ability, so when he founded bw Entertainment, she happily joined, and a considerable amount of Hong Hye-yeon’s funds went into bw Entertainment. In other words, Hong Hye-yeon was both an investor in bw and its main attraction.

At this point.

“The title of the short film is ‘Exorcism’, right?”

CEO Choi Sung-gun asked, leaning back on the sofa, and Hong Hye-yeon answered with her legs crossed.

“Yeah, ‘Exorcism’.”

“You mean to look into the current situation. Do you mean to just look into the history of that movie?”

“Yeah, right down to the smallest details.”

“Well- It’s not hard to collect the information by visiting a few independent short film companies. Ah, it’s suddenly annoying. If there’s no script at all, it be hard for me too?”

“No, no, it should be something since it’s been talked about by PD Song. Oh, and you remember Director Shin Dong-chun, right?”

“I know. The guy who used to make good dramas and then suddenly said he was going to make a movie and disappeared…wait, could it be?”

“Right. ‘Exorcism’, it’s said to be written by that director.”

CEO Choi Sung-gun’s eyes widened slightly for a moment.

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