Chapter 86 - Acceleration (2)

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Park Pan-seo, who had been gazing at Kang Woojin, let go of his hand and replied,

“I watched your previous performance. You did well.”

At that moment, Director Kim Do-hee and the assistant director approached. It was Director Kim Do-hee who spoke first.

“If you’re done with greetings, Woojin, you can go get your makeup and costume ready.”

“Yes, Director.”

“Sir, are you really okay?”

“I told you, I’m fine.”

At this point, Kang Woojin looked at Park Pan-seo, whose presence reminded him of a fierce tiger.

‘Is he unwell?’

Noticing Woojin’s concerned gaze, Park Pan-seo waved the script as if to say not to worry.

“Don’t worry, Woojin. Just focus on your acting. The director is just overreacting.”

“Ah- understood.”

At that, Director Kim Do-hee sighed softly and directed the assistant director.

“Alright, let’s hurry then. Woojin, get your makeup and costume done. Woojin! You know from the script, today’s makeup is a bit heavy, right?”

“I’m aware.”

Soon after, Kang Woojin moved with the assistant director to where the makeup team was gathered. Watching Woojin’s retreating figure, Park Pan-seo murmured to Director Kim Do-hee,

“Don’t interrupt his performance in the middle of the scene because you’re worried about me.”

“······Yes, sir.”

Though she responded appropriately, Director Kim Do-hee looked at Park Pan-seo, slightly surprised.

‘It’s strange. He’s usually so calm, but he’s flared up today?’

Like Park Pan-seo, she fixed her gaze on Kang Woojin up ahead.

‘Is it because of Woojin? Strange. Jae-jun too. While there’s certainly the zeal of a rookie, Woojin has this ability to awaken other actors. It’s not bad for me, but still…’

Director Kim Do-hee felt a little sorry for actors working with Kang Woojin and recalled something male lead Jin Jae-jun had said the day before.

‘Acting in front of him feels like being stripped bare, not as an actor but as the character.‘

It was something that Director Kim Do-hee, as a director, could never truly feel and understand. Regardless, she moved to the location where three monitors were set up.


Among the spectators held back by the crew, she noticed Choi Sung-gun. And then,

‘Are those the guests he said would come today?’

The two individuals accompanying him had their faces covered, catching the director’s attention. Choi Sung-gun and Director Kim Do-hee exchanged a distant glance. But the director tilted her head.

‘Who are they? There are two of them. They’ve both covered their faces, so they must be famous.’

The two guests accompanying Choi Sung-gun were wearing masks. Though she had known they would come, Director Kim Do-hee’s curiosity grew. It was obvious that they were in the same industry since they came to see Woojin. But asking directly would be awkward.

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