Chapter 188 - United States (3)

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On a plane heading to LA International Airport.

This plane, which took off from Incheon Airport, had been in the air for about 2 hours, and it was expected to take about 11 more hours to arrive at LA International Airport. What was unique about this flight was that it was packed with broadcasting team members and celebrities’ staff.

It was the ‘Our Dining Table’ team.

There were dozens of them just by themselves, not to mention the staff of the cast members, making for a considerable group. Among them were the cast members of ‘Our Dining Table’, and Kang Woojin, with an indifferent face, was looking out the window. He seemed calm, but his heart was full of excitement.

‘So many clouds. Wow- it’s a magnificent view.’

Like a child on a picnic, Woojin, whose essence was that of a native Korean, couldn’t believe he was going to America. Certainly, at the beginning of the year when he was working at a design company, he could never have imagined such a scenic view before him.

Even more so.

‘I’m filming a variety show in the United States.’

The purpose wasn’t a leisurely tourist trip, but rather, filming as a cast member in a program of the entertainment giant PD Yoon Byung-seon. Inside the plane, Woojin suddenly felt life was quite unpredictable.

At that moment.


On the right seat, Hong Hye-yeon, with her long hair tied up, looked at Woojin’s side profile for a while before speaking.

“Why are you spacing out? Lost in memories?”

Incidentally, the seats for the cast members on the plane were arranged by team. The kitchen team consisted of Kang Woojin and Hong Hye-yeon, Hwalin and Ha Gang-su, and the boss An Jong-hak and the youngest Yeon Baek-kwang. Anyway, at Hong Hye-yeon’s question, Woojin, who had been looking out the window, turned his head.

Memories? What memories.

It was his first time on a flight to the US, so there was no way he had such memories. Then Kang Woojin suddenly remembered the presumptions about him. The stories about studying abroad? That was a deep-seated part. However, Woojin didn’t bother making up nonexistent memories of America. The answer was to vaguely dodge. And add a bit of bluffing.

His voice naturally became smooth.

“No, just thinking about the script a bit.”

Hong Hye-yeon laughed absurdly and shook her head.

“At a time like this? I understand you’re a hard-working genius, but take it easy.”

“I do take it easy.”

Inside, not outside, in the void space.

“When? I don’t seem to recall seeing that. In Da Nang, when we were shooting ‘Island of the Missing’, you were always looking at the script even during breaks?”

That’s because I was in the void space then.

“I took a break when you weren’t looking.”

“You’re funny. I’ve been watching you all the time······ Ahem! Anyway, let’s talk about something else.”

Hong Hye-yeon suddenly changed the subject.

“Are you okay with jet lag? Well, it’s not your first time in the US, so it doesn’t matter, right?”

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