Chapter 162 - Breaking (1)

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At the end of the year, as the closure of one year approaches, everywhere becomes busy.

Especially in the entertainment industry, it becomes noticeably chaotic. This includes broadcasting, the film industry, variety show industry, and even current affairs. There are quite a lot of events that only take place at the end of the year, and broadcasts pour out specials, projects, and the names of pilot programs.

Programs that are broadcast only during the holidays or at the end of the year fall into this category.

In fact, the entertainment industry had started preparing for the end of the year from October. It was in November that they began to move in earnest. Among these, the finale of the year is, of course, various awards ceremonies. Naturally, the schedules of actors and entertainers participating in the awards ceremonies become inevitably tight.

Regardless, the Blue Dragon Film Awards, the most famous film festival in Korea, also began its activities, and the name of Kang Woojin, who debuted this year, was mentioned by the chairman of the organizing committee.

“Clearly, this year, Kang Woojin will sweep everything.”

Could this also be a first? New actors are usually quiet in their debut year. While there are cases where they rise to fame and attend the film festival, it was safe to say there were no new actors whom the head of a film festival would specifically pick out and try to invite like this.

“Probably, not just us, everyone will try to invite Kang Woojin somehow, so let’s coat our words with honey in advance.”

This was proof of Kang Woojin’s tremendous impact this year, and the employees of the Blue Dragon’s organizing committee supported this proof.

“Absolutely. There’s a rumor that MBS is trying to invite Kang Woojin even though they don’t have any programs directly associated with him.” (TL: If you don’t know main broadcasting companies in South Korea have their different award ceremony like KBS, MBC and SBS)

“Oh, I heard that too. With Kang Woojin’s popularity being so high, are they trying to make it a showy invitation?”

“Kang Woojin is more than just rising. Honestly, isn’t it unprecedented to create such an impact in the debut year?”

“Look at ‘Drug Dealer’. I saw the box office earlier, and it passed 2.5 million viewers. It seems like anything Kang Woojin touches turns into a record.”

The employees excitedly mentioned Kang Woojin’s name, and the chairman at the head of the table nodded in agreement, as if acknowledging their words.

“Almost. No, definitely it was Kang Woojin’s year.”

“As the chairman said, even though we are still selecting the award nominees, it seems best to stamp Kang Woojin’s invitation as soon as possible.”

“Right, looking at the way things are going, it seems like everyone will be sending out feelers to Kang Woojin, but looking at his schedule, it’s full until next year.”

It was true. Currently, Kang Woojin’s schedule was fully booked until the first half of next year. In between, he also had to attend various awards ceremonies at the end of the year. Therefore, the Blue Dragon Film Awards organizing committee became anxious.

“Let’s organize the content as soon as possible and pass it on to Kang Woojin’s side, but we must not send it in a way that feels too cheap.”

The reason they were so eager to hook the actor who was the core issue or the top of the hot topics of the year was simple. The public’s attention and viewership ratings. This way, they could sell advertisements smoothly and keep the money flowing. Tradition and prestige were a bonus.

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