Chapter 110 - Cherry Blossoms (3)

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From the moment she arrived at the filming location, during the rehearsal with Director Shin Dong-chun, and even right before the shooting began. Of course, she did waver slightly with Kang Woojin standing right in front of her.

But her resolve today was different from usual.

Hwalin’s secret weapon in crisis, unknown to others, was her steely determination to fiercely push through it.

“It’s nothing, be composed just like Woojin! Hwalin, you’re just portraying Lee Bo-min now!”

However, that staunch resolution of hers…


The moment her face came into contact with Kang Woojin’s, separated only by cherry blossom petals, it crumbled completely. It was indeed a dam break. Despite building it up for days, it evaporated like smoke in just one moment.

As if that resolve had never existed from the start.

Kang Woojin’s face was close enough for her to hear his breathing. Had she ever seen him this close? His eyes are incredibly beautiful. Woojin’s eyes, gazing at Hwalin, were intense yet filled with affection. His look was enough to convey his feelings without words.

He cares for me, protects me, watches over me, likes me.

In an instant, an overwhelming amount of affection hit Hwalin. She knew it was all an act. She was fully aware of it. Yet she was drawn in, into those deep, sweet eyes.

‘This is the first time I’m feeling such emotions since the first shoot yesterday. How is this level of intensity even possible? Someone, please save me.’

Han In-ho from the script was right before her eyes. Hwalin began to flounder. Under Woojin’s intense affection, or rather, his acting. The situation was static, just an exchange of gazes, but the emotions conveyed were devastating. It enveloped Hwalin’s entire being.

It might be sweet to others, but to Hwalin, it was like an attack.

Around this time, Hwalin, struggling to maintain Lee Bo-min,’ realized.

‘…I’m screwed.’

She felt she would ruin everything. It seemed she wouldn’t be able to become a true ‘successful fan.’ And that soon became a reality.


Just as Hwalin’s consciousness was getting blurry, Han In-ho in front of her charged forward, breaking through the cherry blossom petals on her hand. Lee Bo-min, or Hwalin, couldn’t react at all.

‘It’s coming, it’s really happening.’

Even though she knew all too well what was about to happen, yet her heart felt like it would burst. Soon, she felt Han In-ho’s lips. For a moment, Hwalin felt as if her entire body had stopped functioning. Her brain was reset, like a blank canvas.

Perhaps because of that?


Hwalin let out a hiccup. It wasn’t a small sound; it was loud. At that, Hwalin tightly shut her eyes. So, she ended up ruining the scene and showing her foolish side. Even so, she didn’t pull her lips away from Kang Woojin’s.


It was an emotion close to addiction. Imagine, a fan, deeply enamored, experiencing a lip bump with her idol. Who could maintain a rational thought? Thus, Hwalin’s hiccups didn’t stop.


At this, Kang Woojin, whose lips were joined with hers, became confused.

‘Is this- an ad-lib? Or not? Ah, I’m confused.’

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