Chapter 24 - Change (1)

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“Self-taught… really?? You, you’re kidding, right?”

The woman from the making team clung to hope. It must be a joke to lighten the heavy atmosphere of the reading hall. However, Kang Woojin’s answer was low and filled with certainty.

“Yes, self-taught.”

“Really? Seriously?”

“Yes, seriously.”

For a moment, the woman from the making team covered her mouth with one hand. It was because she was surprised. She didn’t expect the word ‘self-taught’ to come up. The same was true for the dozens of people remaining in the hall.

The entertainment-related staff, the production crew, and the reporters all started murmuring audibly.

“What did he just say?”

“Self-taught? He learned acting by self-studying?”

“Is that even possible? He must be joking. We’ve seen his acting, right? That’s not the quality you’d get from self-study.”

“But, his expression is so serious, doesn’t it?”

Of course, the situation was similar for the actors, including Ryu Jung-min.

Among them.

‘Self-taught? No, self-taught???’

Ryu Jung-min, the male lead of ‘Profiler Hanryang,’ looked utterly shocked. It was even more so after seeing Kang Woojin’s insane acting. The veteran actors sitting around him also looked stiff. Naturally, all the actors found it hard to believe.

Except for one person.


It was Hong Hye-yeon who just took out her cell phone. Among dozens of actors, she was the only one who reacted nonchalantly. Because she already knew.

‘Everyone must be shocked. Well, I understand. Even I, who already knew, find it hard to accept.’

In addition, two people. PD Song Man-woo and writer Park Eun-mi, who were sitting side by side at a ㅁ-shaped desk. The two heavyweights were simply observing the situation without intervening.

The atmosphere in the large hall had reached a critical point.

The word ‘self-taught’ that Kang Woojin had uttered was only one word, but at this moment, a tremendous amount of misunderstandings and misconceptions were rampant. Explaining one by one was impossible.

Now the protagonist Kang Woojin, who ignited all this, thought:

‘Stay calm, Kang Woojin.’

He did his best to maintain a poker face. He had to create an atmosphere fitting the word ‘self-taught,’ used for the purpose of appearing cool.

‘Control your expression, control your expression.’

Even if it initially started as a smokescreen or a diversion to hide his embarrassment, now ‘self-taught’ had become a trademark for Woojin, who had adopted this dreadful persona. PD Song Man-woo and writer Park Eun-mi already knew about it.

‘It might look a bit arrogant, but it doesn’t matter. I’ve already said it.’

Consistency was necessary in keeping up the persona. At least Kang Woojin thought so. Going back and forth would only make him look foolish. He may have buttoned it wrong from the start, but what can he do now that he’s come this far?


‘It’s not even a lie, is it? Although there was a cheat key, I did self-study. Yeah, so it’s safe.’

The Mistaken Genius Actor 🧑🏻‍🎤Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz