Chapter 70 - Many (9)

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There was a brief silence in the office of JML Entertainment after Hwalin’s bombshell statement. This lasted about for 10 seconds.

“Wait…just a second. Hold on.”

The first to break the silence was the CEO of JML Entertainment. He, who usually had a composed demeanor took off his suit jacket, all the while staring at Hwalin seated beside him.

“So, Hwalin, you’re saying you want to do a short series?”

As he asked, Hwalin nonchalantly nodded her head, while pulling out her phone.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“So you’re going to forego major movies and other offers to do a 4-episode short series written by a rookie writer?”

“Why are you leaving out Netflix?”

“Ugh- No! That’s not the point! This is so frustrating.”


The CEO seemed to be feeling faint, pressing his forehead, and the chubby manager quickly supported him.

“Manager Lee, why didn’t you stop her?”

“Uh… Sir, well… the thing is…”

At this point, Hwalin interjected.

“Manager Lee did try to stop me multiple times. He told me not to even consider it. So, stop blaming him.”

“Hey! Hwalin! Speak some sense! Why suddenly a short series? Even if it’s for Netflix and they have some project! Do you think you’re at the level to do a short series?”

“Is there a hierarchy for taking on a project? What about Hye-yeon? She’s a top-tier artist in Korea, but she did a short film.”

“But, that’s…”

“And you, CEO, said before that if an artist has passion, the work will be good. You told me to do what I’m passionate about, without worrying about the scale.”

“Ugh… Doing a short series is taking that advice to the extreme.”

The CEO pressed his temples as if he had a headache. Hwalin licked her lips, seeming resolute.

“Anyway, I’ve decided. I’m interested in ‘Male Friend’. And, I kind of want to take things easy.”

“Take things easy?”

“Yes. Honestly, our recent album promotions were intense, right? You know that, right? How many schedules did we have in a day? And then we’d fly to Japan at night and come back to Korea the next day for more schedules. Performances, variety shows, radio, ads, photoshoots, YouTube, and so on.”

Hwalin, recounting the hellish schedule, folded her arms.

“But did I or any of the members complain? We didn’t. We endured because our fans and the company supported us. So, can’t I take it a bit easy during my solo activities?”

The CEO was at a loss for words, everything she said was true. He sighed deeply, seemingly giving up on persuading her.

“Alright, fine, do it your way. Who can change your mind?”

“Also, please reduce the schedules for the other members too. I’m requesting this as the group leader.”


The CEO, brushing back his hair, asked the chubby manager on his right. His tone was a bit defeated.

“So, tell me about the storyline. How’s the short series shaping up?”

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